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Meeting Notes 2024 05 13

Elias Rohrer edited this page May 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

LDK Releases

LDK Node Release

  • Tnull been OOO but now back
  • Today landed upgrade PR for lightning-liquidity for 0.0.123 and pushed out a new release
  • Using that, landed the final 123 upgrade PR for LDK Node, which unblocked a lot of PRs
  • When the open PRs landed, we are close to a 0.3
  • BOLT 12 coming in the next LDK Node release
  • Anchors PR still pending, wpaulino to take a look

Language bindings

Developer support

Feature progress

  • Async payments
    • Onion message interception landed
    • Next up, static BOLT 12 invoices should be open soon and some trampoline spec updates to work
    • Arik focused on RGS recently but trampoline PRs under review
  • RGS
    • Landed a change that would make sure for channels that have seen a bunch of updates propagated that we’d keep sending reminders, because RGS was only sending reminders that were changing, if the same update was sent repeatedly we’d purge it
  • VSS
    • Will try to get willem’s PR landed relating to LNURL auth support this week and after that, the bindings PR that elias has published for LDK Node
  • Dual funding
  • Splicing
    • wpaulino off splicing for a few weeks, been led by optout and dunxen. Optout has been doing some local testing based on the interactive tx constructor changes, and recently posted a status about being able to do the splices in the happy path with the existing code
    • Still need quiescence. In terms of the spec, that seems to be maturing, they were discussing whether to add a stop_quiesence message but seems that won’t happen, so things should be stable

Open Q&A

  • Shaavan: PTAL
  • Willem: is it still correct for anchor output channels if the htlc claim tx is still not aggressively batched?
    • Wpaulino: time out txs are not batched, preimage ones should be but only if they’re all offered at the same time. E.g. if you have one preimage at 1 block and another preimage next block, they won’t be batched. So def a lot more we can do there.
    • Willem: would like that to be on the roadmap, simplifies things. Will open an issue
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