Morphoscanner: a Library for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Self Assembling Peptides
Repository | Website | Paper |
is a tool developed to analyze Gromacs MD simulations of SAPs and recognize specific patterns in the SAPs network, in simulation made with the Martini CG Force Field.
is able to recognize protein secondary structures, and the emergence of beta-sheet structural patterns in systems of peptides. It provides qualitative and quantitative data on the SAP assembling process.
is developed in Python 3, and it gives to the user a way to handle trajectory data using torch.tensor
. The software leverages parallel computing to compute tensor operations. It parallelize operations both on CPU and GPU, if an Nvidia GPU is found on the system and the correct version of cudatoolkit is installed.
is also an API
, that enable the user to construct customized analysis workflow.
We strongly appreciate feedback from the community, bug reports, and advises on types of analysis the can be useful to the community. We also strongly appreciate your help in the development!
The tool can be distributed using pip, GitHub repository and used as a Python package.
can be imported in an IDE and used to write customized scripts and to perform specific analysis. Morphoscanner can be used to analyze MD trajectory data in a jupyter-notebook, and it integrates with the main packages used in the data-science workflow, as Numpy, Pandas, PyTorch, MDAnalysis, Matplotlib and NetworkX.
For a deep review of morphoscanner
functionalities have a look at the tutorials.
It is suggested to install the package in a conda environment using Anaconda, due to the active development status of Morphoscanner.
If you have an Nvidia GPU you can use PyTorch hardware acceleration by installing the package cudatoolkit.
The Nvidia Driver, cudatoolkit and PyTorch version have to be compatible. The compatibility can be checked in the respective websites:
Tested systems and driver version are in the following table.
System | Python Version | Nvidia Driver | cudatoolkit | PyTorch |
Ubuntu 22.04 | 3.9 | 515.105.01 | 11.7 | 1.13.1 |
Manjaro 20.1.2 | 3.8 | 440.100 | 10.2 | 1.6.0 |
Kubuntu 18.04 | 3.7 | 384.130 | 9.0 | 1.1.0 |
The Anaconda installer can be downloaded and installed in the user system using the instructions.
Conda envs can be created following the conda documentation.
The channel conda-forge is needed to install MDAnalysis. Here the official conda docs on how to manage channels.
Add the conda-forge channel (--append will add the channel at the bottom of the channel list, --add will add the channel at the top of the channels list).
conda config --append channels conda-forge
Before creating your env
, be sure of the package version that you need. If you need pytorch
version 1.13.1
, specify it in the command below, as pytorch==1.13.1
An env called ms_env can be created with:
conda create -n ms_env python=3.9 pip jupyter numpy pandas mdanalysis tqdm pytorch networkx cudatoolkit=11.7 matplotlib scipy plotly
The env can be accessed with:
conda activate ms_env
The installed packages can be checked (in the active env) with:
conda list
Inside the active env, you can install morphoscanner
pip install git+
will be installed in your env. You can now use morphoscanner
from your IDE or Python Console.
Branches other than the default branch can be installed adding the name of the branch that you want to download, like @branch_name, after the repository url. For example, to download the dev branch:
pip install git+
Using Morphoscanner as a Python package is straightforward, leveraging MDAnalysis
I/O engine.
The first step is to import morphoscanner
from morphoscanner.trajectory import trajectory
The system configuration (.gro in GROMACS) and trajectory files (.xtc or .trr in GROMACS) path is needed:
_gro = '/path/to/your/gro'
_xtc = '/path/to/your/xtc'
Create the trajectory class instance:
trj = trajectory(_gro, _xtc)
Multiple consecutive trajectory can be merged and read as a single trajectory:
trj = trajectory(_gro, (_xtc1, _xtc2, _xtc3))
Specify the frame sampling.
The frame in the trajectory can be sampled.
To sample all frames just leave sampling_interval=1
. The value you assign to sampling_interval
is the number of frame you want to skip for each sampled frame. The value should be an int
interval = 2
trj.compose_database(sampling_interval = interval)
Analyze the simulation dataset (this can take some time):
Retrieve the data:
Show the database with the results of the analysis:
A pandas.DataFrame will be shown at the end of the analysis.
The database can be saved as an excel file, leveraging pandas:
Set an output path:
output_path = 'path/to/your/directory'
Set the name of the file:
file_name = 'name_of_the_output_file'
Export the database with .xlsx file extension (you need to install openpyxl
trj.database.to_excel(output_path, sheet_name=file_name)
The obtained data can be visualized with plotting functions.
Interactive visualization can be enabled in jupyter-notebook with:
%matplotlib notebook
To deactivate interactive visualization:
%matplotlib inline
- Plot the number of aggregate in the sampled timesteps:
- Plot the ratio of contacts antiparallel/(parallel + antiparallel) in the sampled timesteps:
- Plot one of the sampled frames, visualizing the aggregate with a color code that define the sense of the majority of the contacts in that aggregate.
Green: majority of parallel contacts.
Blue: majority of antiparallel contacs.
Yellow: equal number of parallel and antiparallel contacts.
Gray: no contacts.
trj.plot_frame_aggregate(frame: int)
- Plot the graph of one of the sampled frames with qualitative visual indications.
Edge thickness: thickness proportional to the number of contacts between the two petides (nodes).
Edge green: parallel contact.
Edge blue: antiparallel contact.
Additional data can be found in:
This is a dict that contains a dict for each sampled and analyzed frame, with the data computed during the analysis.
An in deep review of morphoscanner
functionalities can be found in the morphoscanner tutorial.