v1.5.0 - corekt txt be haet flor
- New music, levels and bug fixes!
- New property: 'haet flor' is the opposite of 'haet skye'.
- New noun: 'this' is an object that pretends like it's text.
- New properties for basically every colour.
- New noun: 'hol' displays what's on the other side of a poor toll.
- New mechanic: lvl got lvl/lvl be protecc causes the level to survive things that would destroy it. (Other objects in the level, however, will be destroyed as expected.)
- New properties: 'corekt' and 'rong' is true for rules that are active and blocked, respectively.
- Tweak: poor toll now puts you on the same, not opposite, facing direction of the destination.
- Tweak: bordr object is now inherently no go/tall.
- Tweak: Sidekik now goes through wrap/portal.
- Tweak: txt be ortho/txt be diag effects the directions txt can parse in.
- Tweak: Conditions go through wrap/portal.
- Tweak: Rules don't re-parse mid TRY AGAIN (e.g. if you make something NO UNDO then TRY AGAIN, the NO UNDO things don't move at all)