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Bab Properties

TheFox edited this page Jun 10, 2019 · 25 revisions
  • U - Makes the object controllable by WASD, arrow keys or 2468 (numpad).

  • WALK - On each turn, the object walks towards the direction theyre facing. If they try to walk into a NOGO object, the object turns around.

  • 😃 - If a U object collides with a :) object, you win the level.

  • GO AWAY PLS - The object is pushable by other objects, including other GO AWAY PLS objects. If the object cannot be moved because of a NOGO object, it acts as another NOGO object.

  • NO GO - Objects cannot go into NOGO objects.

  • NO SWIM - If an object walks into a NO SWIM object, then that object and the NO SWIM object both are destroyed.

  • ☹️ - If a U object walks into a :( object, it gets destroyed.

  • COME PLS - Opposite of GO AWAY PLS. If an object moves away from a COME PLS object, the COME PLS object follows that object.

  • GO - If an object collides with a GO object, that object moves the same direction the GO object is facing. This only applies once per turn, so a row of GO objects won't cause an object that walks on one of them to instantly go to the end of that row.

  • 😮 - If a U object collides with a :o object, you get a bonus orrb (currently unimplemented)

  • FOR DOR, NED KEE - If a FOR DOR object collides with a NED KEE object, both dissappear. If the NED KEE object is also a NO GO object, the FOR DOR object is able to go through it.

  • FRIDGD, HOTTE - If a FRIDGD object collides with a HOTTE object, it gets destroyed.

  • OUCH - An OUCH object gets destroyed if it collides with any other object.

  • SLEP - A SLEP object cannot move.

  • PROTECC - A PROTECC object cannot be destroyed by any means.

  • GO ➡️ - Changes the object's direction to whatever direction the word itself is facing.

  • HAET SKYE - The object will always go down as far as it can, unless there's something stopping it, such as a NOGO object.

  • BEHIN U - If an object tries to walk into a BEHIN U object, the BEHIN U object will change its position to that object's old position. Can be described best as a "anime reference".

  • STELTH - Any STELTH object will not be rendered. If TXT has a STELTH property, then the tab menu won't show that text (not implemented yet).

  • GO MY WAY - Objects cannot walk into a GO MY WAY object, unless theyre facing the same direction as the GO MY WAY object.

  • DIAGNAL, ORTHOGNAL - A DIAGNAL object can only walk in diagonal directions (up-right, down-right, left-up, left-down). ORTHOGNAL objects can only walk in non-diagonal directions (UP, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN).

  • SHY... - A SHY object cannot move any other objects by itself.

  • SIDEKIK - A SIDEKIK object will move the same way as any objects near it, if possible.

  • ICY - Same as GO, except any objects on ICY objects will be unable to move until they go off the object.

  • GOOOOOOO - Same as GO, but all the objects will move to the end of a GOOOOOO row instantly.

  • ICYYYYY - Same as ICY, but all the objects will move to the end of an ICYYYY row instantly.

  • FLYE - FLYE objects ignore any other object properties, unless an object has the same amount of FLYEs as the object.

  • TALL - Applies collision to FLYE objects, even if the TALL object does not have a FLYE property.

  • TRY AGAIN - If a U object collides with a TRY AGAIN object, you don't restart the level. That would never happen with an object, no! Instead, nothing happens. That's right, nothing!

  • NO UNDO - A NO UNDO object will ignore any Z/Q key presses and stand still.

  • MUNWALK - Any MUNWALK objects upon trying to walk will walk the opposite way of where they would normally go.

  • XWX - If a U object collides with an XWX object, the window commits a fucky wucky, a wittle fucko boingo.

  • MOAR - A MOAR object will try to clone itself to the right, left, up and down each turn.

  • NXT - Used with LVL. If the LVL is NXT, then the level is changed to the next one (currently unimplemented).

  • VISIT FREN - If an object steps on a VISIT FREN object, it is teleported to the next VISIT FREN object there is. If the VISIT FREN object is the last one, the object is sent to the first VISIT FREN object instead.

  • COLRFUL, BLEU, REED, TRANZ, GAY, SANS, QT - All purely visual, but canonically has its own effects, see: Canon Effects In Bab Be U.


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