Federal Health Data Systems
Area Resource File Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- H CAHPS satisfaction. Hospitals. VBP.
Health and Retirement Study Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment and Claims Data Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey Medicare Enrollment and Claims Data
- Medicare COMPARE. Medicare Part D Drug Data (including the formulary file, plan and prescriber files) Medicare and Medicaid Linked Files
- Chronic Conditions Warehouse National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey National Death Index National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey National Health Interview Survey National Hospital Ambulatory Care Survey National Immunization Survey National Survey of Family Growth National Survey on Drug Use and Health National Vital Statistics System State and Local Area Integrated Telephone Survey (includes the National Survey of Children’s Health and National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs) Census Bureau Major Systems American Community Survey Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement