PolyTop consists of Android GUI (client) and SuperCollider DSP (server) that connect via a network.
Steps to initialize:
// Creating an empty graph for nodes
~graph = TopNodeGraph.new();
// Adding SuperCollider nodes
~node0 = PolySO.newDefault(\tesxi, 1);
~graph.addOrigin(~node0, [0,0]);
// Adding Ableton Live node
~liveMidiBus = MIDIOut(0);
~node1 = PolyLiveSurf.newDefault(~liveMidiBus);
~graph.addOrigin(~node1, [0,0]);
// Algorithms to populate the graph
~algs = TopAlgs.new();
~genAlg1 = {|polyContents|
/* randomly walk all values up/down for all non-static parameters by % step
@params: PolyContents contents
@return: PolyContents contents
var defName, paramNames, pppv, behavior, midiOut, trans,
nVoices, nParams, nSurf, stepSize = 1 / 100;
if (polyContents.class == PolyState, {
// Get all the insides of old PolyContents
pppv = polyContents.pppv.deepCopy; // Array2D is mutable!
defName = polyContents.defName;
paramNames = polyContents.paramNames;
nParams = pppv.rows; // each row is different param
nVoices = pppv.cols; // each colums is different voice
// Create new PolyContents
polyContents = PolyState(defName, paramNames, pppv);
// Transform
// ... with transformation
trans = {|values|
values + (values * stepSize * Array.fill(values.size, {[-1,1].choose}))
// ... non-static params
if ((paramName.asString.contains("s_").not && (paramName.asString != \t_released)), { // skip all params marked with "s_" (static)
polyContents.editParam(paramName, trans);
if (polyContents.class == PolySO, {
// Get all the insides of old PolyContents
pppv = polyContents.pppv.deepCopy; // Array2D is mutable!
defName = polyContents.defName;
paramNames = polyContents.paramNames;
nParams = pppv.rows; // each row is different param
nVoices = pppv.cols; // each colums is different voice
behavior = polyContents.behavior.collect({|strandBehavior| strandBehavior.duplicate });
var newEnvXYC;
newEnvXYC = strandBehavior.envXYC;
newEnvXYC = newEnvXYC.collect({|xyc| [xyc[0]*(0.01*[-1,1].choose), xyc[1], xyc[2]] });
// transform behavior
strandBehavior.envXYC = newEnvXYC;
// Create new PolyContents
polyContents = PolySO(defName, paramNames, pppv, behavior);
// Transform
// ... with transformation
trans = {|values|
values + (values * stepSize * Array.fill(values.size, {[-1,1].choose}))
// ... non-static params
if ((paramName.asString.contains("s_").not && (paramName.asString != \t_released)), { // skip all params marked with "s_" (static)
polyContents.editParam(paramName, trans);
if (polyContents.class == PolyLiveSurf, {
var idxSurf, nSurf;
// Get all the insides of old PolyContents
pppv = polyContents.pppv.deepCopy; // Array2D is mutable!
nParams = pppv.rows; // each row is different param
nSurf = polyContents.nSurf; // each colums is different voice
idxSurf = polyContents.idxSurf;
midiOut = polyContents.midiOut;
// Create new PolyContents
polyContents = PolyLiveSurf(pppv, midiOut, nSurf, idxSurf);
// Transform
// ... with transformation
trans = {|value|
value + (value * stepSize * {[-1,1].choose})
// ... all params
var newVal;
newVal = trans.value(pppv.at(pidx, sidx)).value;
polyContents.pppv.put(pidx, sidx, newVal);
~algs.genAlgs.put('default rand. walk (1%)', ~genAlg1);
// Bridge connects SuperCollider to PolyTop Android GUI
~bridge = TopBridge.new("", ~graph, ~algs);
// Make sure the client is started for this step and the IP addresses are correct
~algs.sync(); // sync algs
~bridge.syncClient(); // sync graph