Generate project structure from git template repository, and ignited by MicroServices Service Template Pattern
Why tgm?
- Manage all template repositories
- Create app from template quickly
- Prompt for template variables
Please add template.json file in your template repository, code as following:
"name": "spring-boot-java",
"repository": "",
"description": "Spring Boot App Java",
"post_create": "mvn -DskipTests compile",
"variables": [
"name": "groupId",
"description": "Maven groupId"
"name": "artifactId",
"description": "Maven artifactId"
"files": [
Attention: You can add regex pattern validation for variable's value like following:
"name": "email",
"description": "author email",
"pattern": "[\\w-\\.]+@([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]{2,4}"
In the resource files, such as pom.xml, use template variable as following:
default global variables:
- current_year: current year, such as 2020
- current_date: current date, format like 08/30/2020
- os_name: linux, macos, ios, freebsd, dragonfly, netbsd, openbsd, solaris, android, windows
- os_family: unix, windows
- os_arch: x86_64, arm
$ cargo install tgm
$ tgm add linux-china/spring-boot-java-template
$ tgm list
$ tgm create spring-boot-java spring-app-demo
- list: list local templates
- list --remote: list templates from
- add: add new template from GitHub template repository or manual
$ tgm add --name spring-boot-java --repo --desc "Spring Boot Java template"
- import template from GitHub's repository
$ tgm import linux-china/spring-boot-kotlin-template
$ tgm import
- remove: remove template
$ tgm remove spring-boot-java
- create: create app from template
$ tgm create spring-boot-java spring-demo1
$ tgm complete --oh_my_zsh
tgm will add tgm to plugins in ~/.zshrc.
$ tgm complete --bash > tgm-completion.bash
$ source ./tgm-completion.bash
- Command line utilities:
- Command-line apps in Rust:
- Serde: framework for serializing and deserializing Rust data structures