Releases: linuxgurugamer/L-Tech
Releases · linuxgurugamer/L-Tech
Thanks to github user @hemeac:
Adds Sciencebox container texture to a ReStock whitelist so container parts in LTech are display the correct texture rather than as pure white.
Added AssemblyFileVersion
Updated version file for 1.12
Fixed severe bug where science was not being accumulated when vessel not active
Fixed nullref in kct interface
Fixed nullref when entering flight and the Skylab window had not yet been opened
Reverted experiment report for the Skylab experiments, they are not biome specific
Added vessel situation to the experiment report for the Skylab experiments
Added vessel situation to Skylab menu
Improved experiment report for Skylab, to indicate InSpaceLow or InSpaceHigh
Fixed bug where science values were getting nerfed after saving and then reviewing
Added ModuleCommand to Skylab part
Added individual xmitDataScalar values for each experiment
Added automatic stop warp when completed
Added setting to make the autostop default always or not
Fixed max amounts for the seed containers
Updated internal storage for seeds in the Skylab to 20
Fixed exception in SlowUpdate when starting up
Fixed experiment report to indicate that experiments are biome-specific
Fixed doubled "Picture Picture" experiment name when taking a picture
Increased mass of seeds & updated descripion
Added "Biome dependent" to experiment definitions
Science values adjusted for all skylab experiments
Science dataScale adjusted for all skylab experiments
Fixed checks for number of crew needed
Added enforcement of number of crew needed
Added check for minimum aggregrated science experience needed in scientists in lab
Reduced frequency of updates to SkyLabCore PAW to 4x/sec
Reduced frequency of updates to SkylabExperiment PAW to 4x/sec
Added check for stock CAMERA_NEXT key (defaults to V), also added check for stock CAMERA_RESET (defaults to BackQuote)
Added optional (default is to use) interface with KCT to adjust the research times based on what's been allocated in KCT
Must use KCT 1.4.8 or later for this to work