This app was built with Sinatra, extended with Rake tasks for working with an SQL database using ActiveRecord ORM.
The course management app provides a database and web interface for users to:
- # as a student or instructor
- Users can review all courses and users available
- Each user can ONLY modify content of their own course/registration:
- An instructor can create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) a course
- A student can create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) a course registration
- User inputs are validated for account/course/registration creation
After checking out the repo, run bundle install
to install Ruby gem dependencies.
You can start one of Rack's supported servers using the shotgun command shotgun
Shotgun can be used as an alternative to the complex reloading logic provided by web frameworks or in environments that don't support application reloading.
The Course Management app database includes three model classes: User, Course, UserCourse
User: stores user attributes, including:
- Full Name
- Username
- Password (Secured with Bcrypt hashing algorithm)
- Biography
- Instructor, a boolean value to indicate if a user is an instructor
Course: stores course attributes, including:
- Name
- Descirption
- Icon, a string value that is commonly an emoji 📚
- Level, indicates course difficulty (Beginner == 0, Intermediate == 1, Advance == 2)
- Instructor_id, to associate course with an instructor
UserCourse: stores student course registrations attributes, including:
- Confirmation, indicates registration status (Pending == 0, Waitlist == 1, Enrolled == 2)
- Notes, student's request to enroll in a course
- User_id, to associate registration with a student
- Course_id, to associate registration with a course
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at Course Management Repo.
This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The app is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.