Preview of the working application can be found here.
The Phone Book App is an application that allows users to create an account, log in, store their contacts, search for contacts, and edit contact information. The app provides both light and dark themes for a better user experience. It is designed to be responsive and works well on different devices with breakpoints at 320px, 768px, and 1200px.
The Phone Book App provides the following features:
- User registration and login functionality.
- Creation, storage, and retrieval of contacts.
- Search functionality to find specific contacts.
- Editing and updating contact information.
- Light and dark themes for a personalized user experience
- Responsive design for optimal viewing on different devices.
The app includes the following routes:
- "/" - Home page
- "/register" - Registration page
- "/#" - Login page
- "/contacts" - Contacts page
- Not Found Page - displayed when the user enters an incorrect URL
The Phone Book App is built using the following technologies:
- React
- TypeScript
- React Redux
- Redux Toolkit
- React Router DOM
- Redux Persist
- Material-UI
- Axios
- Formik
- Yup
- React Helmet Async
- React Hot Toast
- React Spinners
To install and run the Phone Book App locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository: git clone []
- Navigate to the project directory: cd phonebook
- Install dependencies: npm install
- Start the development server: npm start
- Open the app in your browser at http://localhost:3000
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me:
- Email:
- GitHub: lisitsyna-anna