Data-Intensive-Systems Team repository for CS516
- Install VirtualBox.
- Install Vagrant.
- Download the Vagrantfile from this repository and place it in the folder you want your VM to reside.
- Open up a command prompt, go to that folder, and type "vagrant up".
- Once that is done, type "vagrant ssh" to get into the virtual machine.
- Check out the project repository into your virtual machine: "git clone"
The test data contains a votes.csv file detailing two different congressional representatives voting records through the years 2011-2012. The file is formatted as:
person_a_vote, person_b_vote, vote_date, bill_number, year, chamber(h or s), status
- 2012-curr-full-votes.csv - 158 MB
- full-mlb-player-stats.csv - 9 MB
- full_votes.csv - 1 GB
vote_id, person_id, vote, category, chamber, session, date, number subject, results, first_name, last_name, birthday, id_govtrack
Data is a single row per player, year, and round (round standing for regular season, playoff first round, world series, etc.). Both pitching and batting data is in one row, so most players will not having any data for pitching columns (ie 0's).
playerid, first_name, last_name, weight, height, year, round, team_id, league_id, games_pitched, games_pitched_started, p_shutouts, p_hits, p_strikeouts, p_walks, p_saves, p_earned_run_average, b_at_bats, b_runs, b_hits, b_doubles, b_triples, b_homeruns, b_runs_batted_in, b_stolen_bases, b_strikeouts, b_walks