Table Talk is an online campaign manager for table top role-playing games (TTRPGs). It allows you to create, run, and play in games of any system (Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, and beyond!)
Users can # for an account with an email address or using Google.
Any user who wants to be a Game Master (GM) can create a new campaign, which they have managing power of. Users who want to participate in games as Players can join any public campaign from the public list, or join a private campaign if the GM has sent them a link.
Players can join a campaign by creating a character for it. Don't worry - if you want to join a game but haven't completely fleshed out your character concept yet, you can always go back and edit it! Players can see a list of all their characters on their profile page.
GMs can schedule sessions for their campaigns so everyone in the game knows when they'll be getting together to play. Each campaign has a calendar of sessions, and users can see their personal schedules across all their games on their profile page. For the scheduling feature, Table Talk uses the simple_calendar gem.
If you're tired of keeping track of game events in a physical notebook, you can leave notes on your campaigns instead! Use notes to keep track of game events, ask questions, or chat with your fellow players.