This is my portfolio website, containing a collection of my completed projects for perusal. The site includes a short write-up for each project highlighting what skills were used in developing it and what lessons it has taught me. Users can find links to each finished project (where applicable) and links to their GitHub repos, as well as information on how to contact me, a download of my current resume, and links to my GitHub and LinkedIn profile pages.
This website is written in vanilla HTML and CSS (with a little JS for form validation), so no special instruciton is necessary for development. It is suggested to create a separate branch during development, to be merged with the main branch and deployed only when ready as a full update, as this is the hub for my work and should not be released in any incomplete state.
RGB values for screenshot gradient on work page: (3, 3, 2), (153, 140, 128), (255, 251, 245)
The portfolio is deployed to GitHub Pages as vanilla code, so simply merge the gh-pages branch with the most current build in the main branch in order to deploy.
Further post-processing will be incorporated next, using a CSS autoprefixer to ensure airtight browser compatibility.
If the site grows beyond its current scope, further steps may be taken to minify files before deployment.