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🎓 You work at the Institute of Measurement and Control Systems (MRT)?
⬆️ You enjoy feeling superior to your colleagues?
🗣️ You like to brag about your productive workflow while secretly wasting hours on configuring your setup?
🔌 You hate how everything in VS Code just works?
📄 You love READMEs consisting mostly of emojis and sarcasm?

Then why not switch your setup over to Neovim? 🤯

If you did and wonder how you can move your VS Code based workflow to Neovim, then this plugin is for you! 🎉

🚀 Features

  • Easily execute various build commands for your catkin workspace
  • Parse build output and display diagnostics
  • Switch packages using telescope
  • Switch your catkin profile interactively

⚡️ Requirements

  • mrt tools - duh
  • jq - to merge compile commands to a single file
  • overseer.nvim - for task management and diagnostics
  • plenary.nvim - for some utility functions
  • telescope.nvim - for package switching

📦 Installation

Use your favorite plugin manager to install this plugin. For example, with lazy.nvim, the minimum configuration is:

  dependencies = { 
      opts = {},

A more complete example:

    dependencies = { 
	    opts = {},
	    keys = {  
		{ "<leader>o", "<cmd>OverseerToggle<cr>", desc = "Toggle overseer" },
    opts = {
	overseer_components = {
	    -- To turn of auto open/close of quickfix list
	    { "on_result_diagnostics_quickfix", open = false, close = false },
    keys = {
        { "<leader>bw", "<cmd>MrtBuildWorkspace<cr>", desc = "Build workspace" },
        { "<leader>bp", "<cmd>MrtBuildCurrentPackage<cr>", desc = "Build current package" },
        { "<leader>bt", "<cmd>MrtBuildCurrentPackageTests<cr>", desc = "Build tests for current package" },
        { "<leader>sp", "<cmd>MrtSwitchCatkinProfile<cr>", desc = "Switch catkin profile" },

📚 Usage


  • :MrtBuildWorkspace: Build the entire catkin workspace
  • :MrtBuildCurrentPackage: Build the current package
  • :MrtBuildCurrentPackageTests: Build tests for the current package
  • :MrtPickCatkinPackage: Open the Readme of a catkin package using telescope
  • :MrtSwitchCatkinProfile: Switch the catkin profile interactively

The build commands utilize the awesome overseer.nvim plugin to manage tasks and display diagnostics. You should probably have a look at their readme to see what you can do with it. Most importantly, :OverseerToggle toggles the task list.

Custom Build Templates

You can also register additional build commands, for example, to build a specific package:

  "MRT Build: My Awesome Package",
  { "build", "-j4", "my_awesome_package" }

The template can be executed using the :OverseerRun interactive menu, or via lua:

require("overseer").run_template({ name = "MRT Build: My Awesome Package" })

The given flags will be appended to the mrt command, the build output will be parsed, and the task to merge the compile commands will be executed afterwards.

🔧 Configuration

Here's the default configuration:

    --- The flags appended to the "mrt" command to build an entire catkin workspace
    --- @type string[]
    build_workspace_flags = { "build", "-j4", "-c", "--no-coverage" },

    --- The flags appended to the "mrt" command to build the current package
    --- @type string[]
    build_package_flags = { "build", "-j4", "-c", "--no-coverage", "--this" },

    --- The flags appended to the "mrt" command to build the tests for the current package
    --- @type string[]
    build_package_tests_flags = {

    --- Additional overseer components to use for the build templates
    --- Note that the "on_output_parse" and "run_after" components are always included to
    --- parse the build output and merge the compile commands
    overseer_components = {
        { "on_result_diagnostics_quickfix", open = true, close = true },


This plugin is a side project of mine and not officially affiliated with the Institute of Measurement and Control Systems (MRT) in any way :)


The MRT neovim plugin






No packages published