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Mutation on Tregression

WYK edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 2 revisions

Tregression now are able to mutate a originally correct trace into buggy trace that fail on targeted test case

To perform the mutation functionality, please follow the steps: 9

  1. There are several setting that you need to change. In the toolbar, go to Window -> Preference -> Tregression (defect4j)

    • Repository Path: It is the absolute path to the testing project. The recommanded testing project are installed within java-mutation-framework/sample. In this example, we are using math_70 as our testing project: C:\Users\user_name\git\java-mutation-framework\sample
    • Project Name: It is the name of the project. In this example, we are using math_70
    • Test Case: It represent which test case that is being tested. It follow the format <Test Class Name>#<Test Case Method Name>. Note that the <Test Class Name> should contain the package as well. In the example in the above image, the target test case class is org.apache.commons.math.analysis.BinaryFunctionTest and the target test case method name is testAdd

    Note that other than the test case name, you can also specify the target test case by ID:

    • Ues Test Case ID: Check this boxes when you want to select the target test case by ID
    • Test Case ID: The ID of target test case Note that Test Case ID mean the ith test case of the project. From the above example, the Test Caes ID is 0 and thus we are using the 1st test case in math_70 project.
  2. It is assumed that Microbat is installed. In the toolbar, go to Window -> Preference -> Microbat Debugging. Set up the following parameters:

    • Java Home Path: Absolute path to JAVA 8
    • Step Limit: Reasonable step limit. 300000 is recommended.
  3. Click the Read Cross button. It will perform the mutation.

  4. The order of the mutated node will be printed on the console.

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