by Leland T. Klauzer
This is a project for a Thinkful engineering bootcamp. I wrote the JavaScript to make three different ciphers encode and decode for a website.
The live website is here.
This cipher will encode or decode messages by shifting values a number of characters given by the user,
either to the right (positive shift value) or to the left (negative shift value).
input: a message given by the user to either encode or decode.
shift: a number to shift the message to encode or decode.
A positive number will shift right when encoding and left when decoding. A negative number will shift left when decoding and right when encoding.
encode: (boolean, default = true) true if encoding, false if decoding.
This cipher will encode or decode messages by turning them into a a number representative of a position in a two dimensional array known as a polybius square.
The array used in this case is:
const polybiusSquare = [
['a', 'f', 'l', 'q', 'v'],
['b', 'g', 'm', 'r', 'w'],
['c', 'h', 'n', 's', 'x'],
['d', 'i/j', 'o', 't', 'y'],
['e', 'k', 'p', 'u', 'z']
input: a message given by the user to either encode or decode.
encode: (boolean, default = true) true if encoding, false if decoding.
This cipher will encode or decode messages by exchanging letters in the English alphabet with a different alphabet provided by the user.
input: a message given by the user to either encode or decode.
alphabet: a series of exactly 26 unique characters.
encode: (boolean, default = true) true if encoding, false if decoding.