Vagrant and Ansible based test setup for a CMDB Instance setup as used at LMU Dez. VI.
- git
- Vagrant (tested on Vagrant 1.9.x,
- Ansible (2.3+,
Your implicit requirements for this setup is:
- for Vagrant / used Vagrant base box:
- A 64 bit Processor
- A vPro enabled System / Processor (Intel I5/I7) so that you could use 64 bit guests
- Virtualbox (
- for Ansible:
- An Unix complied Environment (Linux, Mac OS, *BSD)
- Python2
This Git repository uses submodules for including ansible rolls and playbooks used at the LMU Dez. VI. Please refer to the lmu.ansible.playbooks repository at for them.
Please clone this git Repository with all submodules (lmu.ansible.playbooks). go into the directory and start Vagrant
git clone --recursive
cd lmu.vagrant.redmine
git clone / ln -s <path>/lmu.ansible.playbooks
vagrant up
If you update or change the cmdb playbook rerun the vagrant provision with:
vagrant provision
If you want to contribute to this vagrant environment please contact me at and tell me your github account, so that I could add you to the allowed contributers list.