This is a project template for ECE 5780, Embedded Systems.
Download and install Visual Studio Code.
Install these extensions
If you are on Windows, install git
Linux and MacOS users should already have git installed through their OS.
Note that NoMachine USB forwarding has been found to be too unstable. These instructions are still relevant if you wish to install the toolchain outside of platformio..
Download and install Visual Studio Code.
Some additional instructions for WSL on Windows.
Windows users will need to install PuTTY
Students are required to work in a Unix environment for this course. If you wish, you may install Linux as your primary operating system, otherwise you will set up a virtual environment. Mac OSX is a Unix variant, and can be used as the primary operating system.
You will need to install brew.
From there, install the package dependencies.
brew tap caskroom/cask
brew install cask gcc-arm-embedded
brew install openocd
brew install stlink
The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) allows installation of a Linux environment inside of Windows.
VirtualBox creates a virtual machine, a full isolated computer environment with a separate operating system.
The CADE lab has all software needed already installed. You will need to install NoMachine for USB forwarding. We will not be using the GUI
For Debian based systems (including Ubuntu and Mint), you will need to install the following packages.
apt-get install stlink-tools gcc-arm-none-eabi binutils-arm-none-eabi make git openocd
To work with your microcontroller in your environment, you will need to attach the USB device.
You will be working connected to a remote machine.
You will need to install the Microsoft C/C++ Extension. You should be prompted to install it the first time you open your project. If you are not, the link is below.
This repository contains libraries copied from at commit 165396863a295fe41640f721f8b8ba276572e083. License information for these libraries is located inside library directories.