A curated list of awesome geo tools, software, demos, maps and data. Inspired by Awesome Python and Awesome lists in general.
##Software and Tools
- dropchop.io - Simple browser based GIS. makes creating a buffer super quick.
- QGIS - a free and open source Geographic Information System (GIS)
- Astro Digital - Landsat 8 - Search for Landsat 8 scenes and publish a map that can be used in any web or mobile application.
- PointVue - Free software for visualising Lidar point clouds in LAS format.
- LASTools - Command line tools for fast and efficient Lidar data operations.
- GDAL - Translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats.
- SAGA GIS - Free desktop GIS software.
- DroneLab - Service for viewing and sharing orthomosaics.
- Mapbox - An open source mapping platform for custom designed maps.
- CartoDB - A mapping platform to design and build maps.
- Remote Pixel Landsat 8 Evolution - Create time series GIFs of Landsat 8 imagery.
- osm2vectortiles - Create a custom base map in minutes.
##Geo Demos and Maps
- Spinning Globe - Demo of a spinning globe in the browser, using d3.js.
- Lidar DSM map of England and Wales - Nice visualisation of all the UK Environment Agencies open Lidar DSM data.
- Polarview - Sea ice information, data and SAR imagery for the Antarctic.
- Point clouds in the browser - Lidar data visualised in the browser
- OpenStreetMap - The place for street level map data.
- OpenTopography - Free and openly available topographic data.
- OpenAerialMap - A collection of openly licensed satellite and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery.
- Earth Images by Geocento - An app for search and download of a huge range of freely available and commercial satellite imagery.
- Polarview - Sea ice information, data and SAR imagery for the Antarctic.
- NASA OceanColor - Satellite derived ocean color data products available free from NASA.
- Landsat 8 on Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Information on how to access Landsat 8 data via AWS.
- Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) - Imagery web services for global earth observation datasets from NASA.
- Natural Earth - Freely available global map vector dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales
##Python Libraries
- GDAL - Python bindings for GDAL
- PyQGIS - Loads of geo functions for extending QGIS functionality and writing stand alone applications.
- Fiona - Reads and writes spatial data files
- Rasterio - Reads and writes geospatial raster datasets
- Shapely - Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects in the Cartesian plane.
- Coorblimey - For converting between geocentric and geographic coordinates.
- Bokeh - For creating interactive visualisations for web browsers.
- Stateface - US states as an icon font.