CarolinaCon13 Badge Jank
- CC13 Badge.pdf - Detailed badge assembly guide
- ino files
Download the latest Arduino archive from
Uncompress archive: xz --decompress arduino-1.8.2-linux64.tar.xz
As root untar in /usr/local and create symlink:
# cd /usr/local
# tar xvf ~/Downloads/arduino-1.8.2-linux64.tar
# ln -s arduino-1.8.2/ arduino
As regular user, download badge code into home directory (--recursive will pull down dependency projects):
git clone --recursive
To add an LED pattern:
## Add a `const byte` array to with its own name and each sequential animation state of your desired LED pattern in binary format matching the number of LEDs in each entry.
## Add a branch to the `changePattern` function.
## Add a function for it at the bottom.
## Add a function for it at the bottom.
## Add a submenu command for it.