- HTML5/JS Dom-node game
- Control your robot by writing its program before the duel starts
- The robot runs programs written in a RoboCode
- Destroy the enemy robot before it destroys you
"RoboDuel is the game I've wanted to play since the first time I
discovered the wonderful flash game, Light-bot. The goal is
fun with a sprinkle of educational value!"
- Robots can be either created or downloaded and placed into the arena
- Parser and interpretter for the robots' programming language written
- Programs are user editable and robots immediately respond
- Robots can fire missiles
- Branching, looping and variable declarations are supported in robocode
- Robots can be saved and loaded to the server via load and save buttons
- Game design still evolving
- Make UI clearer in game
- Remove example codes
- Style buttons to stand out even when not hovering
- Fix saving on edge cases
- Add screenshot to instructions
RoboDuel is written in CoffeeScript, using the Sublime (with VIM support via Vintage and VintageEx). All development has been on Chrome and MacOS. Backbone.js is used to structure the code. The parser for the robot language was made with PEG.js and the initial basis for the interpreter was scheme.
- Author's development blog
- Introductory video and feedback page
- Author's twitter @toshuo
- Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/logicmason/Roboduel.git
- Change to the RoboDuel directory:
cd RoboDuel
- compile the coffescript:
coffee --compile -o js/ coffee/
- open the file:
open index.html
- Jasmine (in the SpecRunner.html) for most things
- For testing of the parsing of robot grammar run mocha from the command line
mocha -u tdd -R spec roboParseSpec
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