2020 DGMDS17 Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Drones, and Artificial Intelligence @ Harvard University Extension School
Final Project Overview: The objective of the final project is to take a deep dive in one topic of interest. You’ll practice: project development, collaboration, documentation, system integration. We encourage students to work in teams of 3 or 4 members. With team work you may be able to advance faster in the problem you will trying to solve and have an enriched experience very useful in the future. We can identify 4 areas for research projects:
- Area 1. Your project is on the applying the fundamentals of navigation based in vision applied to autonomous cars, including: feature extraction, image filtering, line detection, place recognition, camera calibration, object recognition, object tracking, line following, navigation, localization.
- Area 2. You are interested in solving the mapping problem (notice that you can navigate without constructing a map) including: SLAM, Motion planning, testing, validation and verification.
- Area 3. You want to work in a problem involving multiple vehicles including: Fleet level planning, multi-vehicle coordination.
Assignment: Final Project Proposal
Course: Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Drones, and Artificial Intelligence: DGMD S-17 (34560)
Course Instructor: Professor Jose Luis Ramirez Herran
Term: Summer 2020
Team Name: AutoBUS / VRS
Team Members: Loi Cheng (Team Lead), Eric Ding, Philip Eisner, Nathaniel Landi, Yikun Shen
Last Edit Date: 09 July 2020
Problem Statement (Purpose): Most trains have frequent delays, cannot achieve higher speeds and cannot maximize the optimal number of trains in a route at a time. Most trains are manually operated by people with low autonomous components involved.
Outcomes (Why?): “Autonomous trains can run more frequently and achieve higher speeds, enabling managers to increase the number of trains in operation on a route instead of having to go to the significant expense of building new tracks.” 1
Objectives (What?): Build a proof of concept (POC) Autonomous Basic Universal Shuttle/Virtual Rail System (AutoBUS/VRS) using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) System integrated on an NVIDIA Waveshare JetBot.
Key Results (How?): TBD – Insert overview of methods and techniques used.
Project Summary: An AutoBUS/VRS POC is built with NVIDIA hardware and NVIDIA software enhanced with an AI System to run on dedicated paths. The AutoBUS/VRS follows visual "rail" lines, instead of actual steel rails. Building a reliable lane following system operating 24/7 is required. Special markers at stations are recognized by the shuttle to make automated stops and departures. The shuttle should have frontal obstacle detection and can make emergency stops as needed. Additional features like multiple routes, express/local shuttles and hub stations are implemented. The core of the AutoBUS/VRS can be described as:
- Autonomous - level 5 no human involvement, besides an emergency stop button
- Basic - uses single camera, no complicated LIDARs or multiple camera systems
- Universal - non-proprietary, can replace buses, trains, subways, etc.., quickly adjust capacity/frequency by adding/reducing number of cars running on demand, the future of mass public transit
- Shuttle - carries people from point A to point B to point C
NVIDIA Jetson and Jetbot System with Camera
Anaconda, Jupyter Notebooks, Python
a. include a GitHub repository
b. any other tools? (example: dropbox, google drive, slack, google collab, etc.)
As needed, otherwise use Slack
Week 1. Setting up a laptop, developing environment, build robot, operate the robot.
Week 2. Test robot basic functions.
Week 3. Protoype a lane following system.
Week 4. Prototype stations stops
Week 5. Prototype obstacle detection and auto stopping
Week 6. Demonstration
Week 7. Document results
All: Setup Jebot, to at least run on manual mode
Have 1-2 members individually solve each sub-task
Sub-tasks, required mininum features:
a) Make jetbot follow a line, and design the line, ex. color, thickness, uniqueness, etc.
b) Make jetbot recognize special markings on floor or on standing sign, and design the markings
c) Make jetbot go, stop for x secs, and go again
d) Make jetbot stop if obstacle is detected, start again if obstacle is cleared, (ex. another jetbot stopped at station in front)
d.optional) distinguish between waiting for another jetbot ahead, or a person, or animal, etc..
e) Add "emergency stop" button somewhere in code
Sub-tasks, optional, advanced features
f) Program each jetbot to follow different color line
g) Differentiate each station by markings, ex. name, local or express stop (stop if time is ???, else skip station, or stop if bot is local, skip if bot is express), annouce station stops over speakers...This is xx train...next stop is...transfer available to the...shuttles...
h) Improve speed
i) Weather situations, ex. snow, partially blocked markings
j) Run continously, go to depot station on low battery
k) Design routes prototypes based on some city, eg Boston red/green/blue line, NYC ACE 123 456 7, assign 1-3 jetbot to each route, assign jetbot as local or express, etc..
l) Schedule jetbots to run different routes by time of day
j) Automatic recharge at depot station