A JavaScript cryptocurrency trading command line script with support for 130+ exchanges based on ccxt library.
$ git clone https://github.com/lolieatapple/ccxt-cli.git
$ cd ccxt-cli
$ npm i
$ node ./ccxt-cli.js
A JavaScript cryptocurrency trading command line script with support for 130+ exchanges based on ccxt library.
Usage: ../.nvm/versions/node/v12.18.3/bin/node ./ccxt-cli.js -c ./config.json -e huobi -b
-c, --config select config.json file [default: "./config.json"]
-e, --exchange -e huobi Select exchange [required]
-b, --balance check balance
-o, --order -o WAN/BTC Fetch orders of market
--trade with market symbol WAN/USDT, default use first apikey to trade. must use same time with side, type, amount, price
--side the direction of your order, buy or sell
--type market or limit
--amount how much of currency you want to trade
--price how much quote currency you are willing to pay for a trade lot of base currency (for limit orders only)
--cancel with orderId, default use first apikey to trade. must use same time with id, input order id
--id order id
Missing required arguments: e
Place a config.json file with format:
"huobi": [
"apiKey": "f309*********24",
"secret": "920*********bf9e"
"apiKey": "f309*********a24",
"secret": "920f*********bf9e"
"apiKey": "f309*********a24",
"secret": "920f*********bf9e"
"binance": [
"apiKey": "uAqr*********O6hgF",
"secret": "0wJB1hC*********9Ji4a"
"apiKey": "uAqr*********O6hgF",
"secret": "0wJB1hC*********9Ji4a"
"kucoin": [
"apiKey": "61a*********1e5995f",
"secret": "bd33c*********cd8897d",
"password": "gm6*********AQ7Km"
You can copy from config.example.json.
It support multi apikey in one exchange.
$ node ./ccxt-cli.js -b -e kucoin
kucoin apikey 0 :
{ free: { USDT: 0.0352168 }, used: {}, total: { USDT: 0.0352168 } }
$ node ./ccxt-cli.js -o WAN/USDT -e binance
binance apikey 0 :
info: {
symbol: 'WANUSDT',
orderId: '10136975',
orderListId: '-1',
clientOrderId: 'ios_51ca4faa5e2645f999da3a08d9c2375c',
price: '0.19590000',
origQty: '34690.00000000',
executedQty: '34690.00000000',
cummulativeQuoteQty: '6795.77100000',
status: 'FILLED',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'LIMIT',
side: 'SELL',
stopPrice: '0.00000000',
icebergQty: '0.00000000',
time: '1580401443200',
updateTime: '1580430907486',
isWorking: true,
origQuoteOrderQty: '0.00000000'
id: '10136975',
clientOrderId: 'ios_51ca4faa5e2645f999da3a08d9c2375c',
timestamp: 1580401443200,
datetime: '2020-01-30T16:24:03.200Z',
lastTradeTimestamp: undefined,
symbol: 'WAN/USDT',
type: 'limit',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
postOnly: false,
side: 'sell',
price: 0.1959,
stopPrice: undefined,
amount: 34690,
cost: 6795.771,
average: 0.1959,
filled: 34690,
remaining: 0,
status: 'closed',
fee: undefined,
trades: [],
fees: []
info: {
symbol: 'WANUSDT',
orderId: '144288964',
orderListId: '-1',
clientOrderId: 'ios_667d353392f04b8eb4a14b9a9c8170eb',
price: '2.29000000',
origQty: '500.00000000',
executedQty: '500.00000000',
cummulativeQuoteQty: '1145.00000000',
status: 'FILLED',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'LIMIT',
side: 'SELL',
stopPrice: '0.00000000',
icebergQty: '0.00000000',
time: '1618470537621',
updateTime: '1618470537644',
isWorking: true,
origQuoteOrderQty: '0.00000000'
id: '144288964',
clientOrderId: 'ios_667d353392f04b8eb4a14b9a9c8170eb',
timestamp: 1618470537621,
datetime: '2021-04-15T07:08:57.621Z',
lastTradeTimestamp: undefined,
symbol: 'WAN/USDT',
type: 'limit',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
postOnly: false,
side: 'sell',
price: 2.29,
stopPrice: undefined,
amount: 500,
cost: 1145,
average: 2.29,
filled: 500,
remaining: 0,
status: 'closed',
fee: undefined,
trades: [],
fees: []
$ node ./ccxt-cli.js -e binance --trade WAN/USDT --side sell --type limit --amount 100 --price 1.01
$ node ./ccxt-cli.js -e binance --cancel --id 1234567