This is a map component based on OpenLayers to show different types and layers of maps from sources like OpenStreet, Bing, SwissTopo ary WMTS/WMS compatible source with some features like markes or shape drawing. The component has implemented the swiss specific coordination projection (VL03/VL95) and therefore can project map content from swisstopo (
- Full support for vector layers including adding shapes per layer
- Capability to fully adjust vector styles
- Shape selection feature with events on layers
- Automatic update on a parameter change on layers and shapes (only when rendered as component)
- Internal shape/drawing and marker layers are added on demand and are part of the layers collection
- Fix when Map.InteractionsEnabled = false also no mouse events are handled
- many more small improvements and bug fixes
install nuget package
dotnet add package OpenLayers.Blazor
Download the openlayers distribution js/css files or from other sources and include them in the index.html file:
<head> ... <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="_content/OpenLayers.Blazor/OpenLayers.Blazor.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src=""></script> ... </head>
<SwissMap Style="height:800px">
<div id="popup" class="ol-box">
@if (context is Marker marker)
<p>@marker.Coordinate.X / @marker.Coordinate.Y</p>
<Marker Type="MarkerType.MarkerPin" Coordinate="new Coordinate(2604200, 1197650)"></Marker>
<Marker Type="MarkerType.MarkerFlag" Coordinate="new Coordinate(2624200, 1177650)" Text="Hallo" BackgroundColor="#449933" Popup></Marker>
<Line Points="new []{new Coordinate(1197650, 2604200), new Coordinate(2624200, 1177650)}" BorderColor="cyan"></Line>
<OpenStreetMap Style="height:480px; width:640px" Zoom="5" Center="new Coordinate(0, 51)">
<Layer SourceType="SourceType.TileWMS"