This program send commands to Xiaomi m365 scooters over Bluetooth Low Energy for Linux systems.
Uses python3.
Requires bluepy to run correctly.
Install bluepy with sudo pip3 install bluepy
The program takes two arguments:
- the type of scan
- command to send to the scooter
The first argument can either be scan
which scans all available devices or saved
which scans all known devices saved in a file. If during a scan
the program succesfully locates a scooter it will save its address in the known devices file.
The second argument can be one the following commands:
- this locks the scooterunlock
- this unlocks the scooter
Hopefully more commmands will be added in the near future.
Root is required to run the progarm in order to gain access to the system's lower bluetooth functions.
Example to run the program:
sudo python3 scan unlock