软件工程师 (Software Engineer) | AI 算法应用 (AI Algorithm Application) | 效率工具开发者 (Efficiency Tool Developer)
致力于运用先进技术解决复杂问题,优化系统效率与用户体验 / Driven by a passion for leveraging advanced technologies to solve complex problems, optimize system efficiency, and enhance user experience.
欢迎来到我的 GitHub 主页。 我是一名专注于软件工程实践的工程师,在人工智能算法的应用以及高效实用工具的开发领域拥有丰富经验。/ Welcome to my GitHub profile. I am a software engineer with a strong focus on software engineering practices and extensive experience in the application of artificial intelligence algorithms and the development of efficient, practical tools.
我致力于运用前沿技术应对复杂挑战,提升系统性能指标,并为终端用户提供卓越且具价值的解决方案。/ I am dedicated to employing cutting-edge technologies to address complex challenges, improve system performance metrics, and deliver exceptional and valuable solutions to end-users.
我目前正在关注 / Current Focus:
- 优化系统性能瓶颈与监控体系 (Optimizing system performance bottlenecks and monitoring systems)
- 机器学习算法在实际场景中的部署与性能调优 (Deployment and performance tuning of machine learning algorithms in real-world scenarios)
- 高效自动化工作流程的设计与实现 (Design and implementation of efficient automated workflows)
我的技术兴趣 / Technical Interests:
- 分布式系统架构设计与实现 (Distributed system architecture design and implementation)
- 人工智能驱动的软件工程实践 (AI-driven software engineering practices)
- 自动化脚本及效率提升工具的构建 (Building automation scripts and efficiency-enhancing tools)
- 开源技术生态及协同开发模式 (Open-source technology ecosystem and collaborative development models)
编程语言 / Programming Languages:
后端开发 / Back-end Development:
人工智能 / Artificial Intelligence:
实用工具 / Utility Tools:
这里展示一些我引以为傲的项目。点击项目名称了解更多详情!/ Here are some projects I'm proud of. Click on the project name for more details!
- EntityAnalyzer: 使用机器学习算法,对 Minecraft 进行实体滞后检测并以可视化的方式显示。 | Detecting entity lag in Minecraft using machine learning algorithms and displaying it in a visualized manner.
- InventoryOptimizer: 使用遗传算法,对 Minecraft 玩家背包物品进行偏好性排序。| Utilizing genetic algorithms to perform preference-based sorting of items in a Minecraft player's inventory.
- 7mod_tool: 一个简单高效的工具,用于将本地模组复制到《7 Days to Die》的游戏目录,并支持自动更新模组版本。 | A simple and efficient tool designed to copy local mods to the game directory of 7 Days to Die and support automatic mod version updates.
- SpeechRecognition: 一个基于 PyQt 和 Python,用于将音频文件转换为文本工具。支持多种 Whisper 模型选择、语言设置和 GPU 加速 | A tool based on PyQt and Python for converting audio files to text. It supports various Whisper model selections, language setting…
- PandaGPT: 结合 GPT 允许玩家对 Minecraft 服务器进行环境感知以及命令感知 | Minecraft Environmental Perception & Command Perception: A Brand New GPT Experience
- Timed-Shutdown: Windows 环境下基于 Python 定时关机或日期关机 | Scheduled Shutdown or Date-based Shutdown Based on Python in the Windows Environment
- Sample-Watermark: Windows 环境下基于 Python 的自定义全局文字水印软件 | A custom global text watermark software based on Python in the Windows environment
期待与您交流技术,共创价值! / Looking forward to connecting with you to discuss technology and create value together!
Feel free to reach out and connect! / 欢迎联系!