The repository for codes in python and R
and Python
version of computational functions implementing the applications of geographic similarity.
Locations with similar geographic environment would also have similar values (process) of geographic variables. This is referred to as the geographic similarity principle, i.e., the Third Law of Geography. This has been widely applied to spatial analysis such as spatial prediction, sample design.
The core function of SoLIM in the version of R. SoLIM (Soil-Land Inference Model) is the inference model that predicts soil based on the similarity of the lanscape. This is the spatial inference model based on the Third Law of Geography.
The core function of iPSM (individual predictive soil mapping) in the version of Python.
- Zhu, A-X., Lv, G. N., Liu, J., Qin, C.-Z., Zhou, C. H., 2018. Spatial prediction based on Third Law of Geography. Annals of GIS 24(4), 225-240.
- Zhu, A-X., Turner, M., 2022. How is the Third Law of Geography different?. Annals of GIS 28(1), 57-67.
- Zhao, F.-H., Zhu, A-X., Zhu, L.-J., & Qin, C.-Z. 2024. iSoLIM: a similarity-based spatial prediction software for the big data era. Annals of GIS, 1-15.