Elab.Immagini LM 2012/2013 - luca.mella@studio.unibo.it
- Python 2.7
- OpenCV 2.4 with Python bindings - cmake compilation process should detect python installation automatically
- Matplotlib
Homework 1,2 and 3 have been developed in Python, usage:
python homework.py -h
usage: [-h] {filter,histo,morpho} input
positional arguments:
input input image
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
DISCLAIMER: Convolution in Python is pretty SLOW.. This does not mean that python cannot be used for this kind of computation but also mean that we should use libraries like 'numpy' or 'cv' which provide access to native algorithm implementation (read 'C/C++') directly from python. However, this is only a homework..
Homework 4 has been developed in Matlab
, launching it via linux shell:
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash < <(echo "cellseg('tumor_microscopy_c.tif')";read)