Inspired by alexbel's vim-rubygems, this vim plugin
provides some nifty little functions to interact with your mix.exs
file, and retrieve informations
on hex packages, without leaving the comfort of vim.
As usual, clone this repo/use whichever plugin manager you fancy, and you are ready to go!
This plugin uses mattn/webapi-vim for making calls to the API, so please make sure to have that cloned or in your list of plugins. ๐๐ผ
Leave your cursor on a line with a package name, (like {:ecto
or even
{:credo, only: [:dev, :test]}]
) and let the magic happen.
Leave your cursor on a line with a package name, or pass a name as only argument to get all the releases for given package in a little pane.
:HexAllReleases mock
0.1.3 (released on 2016-03-06)
0.1.2 (released on 2016-03-06)
0.1.1 (released on 2015-05-09)
0.1.0 (released on 2014-11-18)
Just an alias for HexAllReleases
Leave your cursor on a line with a package name, or pass a name as only
argument to get info on the given package (from mix
:HexPackageInfo portmidi
Elixir bindings to the portmidi C library
Config: {:portmidi, "~> 3.2"}
Releases: 3.2.0, 3.1.2, 3.1.1, 3.1.0, 3.0.0
Maintainers: Andrea Rossi
Licenses: MIT
Open the hexdocs page for the given package (or in the line under the cursor) in the system-default browser. This doesn't check if hexdocs are published for a package, so you might get some 404's here and there.
Note: this uses open
on OSX and xdg-open
on Linux systems.
Open the github repo for the given package (or in the line under the cursor) in the system-default browser.
Note: this uses open
on OSX and xdg-open
on Linux systems.