Receive daily reports about your node directly from your email.
- Require
Python >= 3.6
- Clone Repository
$ cd notify/
$ python3 install --user
Verify it's installed:
$ notify --help
Configuring SMTP Client.
$ notify "" --edit-config
Follow the tutorials if you use these E-MAIL providers Gmail or Outlook.
"" = ""
"email.smtp.port" = "465"
"email.smtp.user" = ""
"email.smtp.pass" = "password"
"email.list" = [""]
⚠️ Not use an email and password that you use on a daily basis on the computer that this software can be hacked and the configuration file is in plain text, preferably create a new email.
This command will take the result of the "whoami" command and send it as a message to the emails specified in the configuration file.
$ whoami | notify "Hello, %s" --subject="Hello?"
Check your email now.
Send a "Good morning" email if the time is in the range of 06:00 to 06:50.
$ whoami | notify "Good Morning, %s" --subject "Let's wake up?" --exptime "range 06:00 in 06:50"
Send a email if the output of a command is non-zero.
$ python3 -c "print(5-5)" | notify "The Result is non-zero." --nonzero
First let's create a bash script, so that crontab can run at a certain time.
$ which bos
$ which notify
$ nano ~/notify/
Let's use BOS to generate a report about the node replace /path/bos and /path/notify with the path shown with the which command.
/path/bos report --styled | /path/notify "%s" --subject="Daily node update"
Now we are going to configure crontab but before that you should be familiar with it, Google it to be more familiar.
$ crontab -e
We are configuring the crontab so that when the time comes to 23:59 it executes the script in bash specified.
# m h dom mon dow command
59 23 * * * /bin/bash ~/notify/
Thanks for this tool your contribution will be welcome :)