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Du kannst die App hier testen: https://icy-mushroom-08156d003.azurestaticapps.net
As extensive research has showed, car sharing has a big potential for reducing our environmental impact as well as to offer convenient ways to travel. Here we aimed not only at producing a pragmatic design, we wanted to provide features which actually make car sharing an agreeable experience that adds value for users. For example, users can be interested in not having to drive alone but instead in sharing their trip with someone matching their personality or having same needs of punctuality depending on the journey.
We have built a progressive web app that enables to optimize the way of drivers and passengers to trade their respective needs for car sharing and enables to find the best match based on other soft factors.
We first asked ourselves what are needs of users that use a car sharing app. We discussed features the app should have to be more attractive and designed various alternative mockups before converging on our current design.
- NuxtJS as frontend framework
- Vuetify as part of NuxtJS
- Azure static apps for hosting our app
- Azure tables as storage
- GitHub actions for continuous integration
What would a user find useful, which additional information, which compromises to keep the ui simple to use on an everyday basis? How to help potential users to overcome the hurdle of not knowing what kind of expectation the driver or passenger may have?
We hacked non-stop and were able to produce a working, scalable app that distinguishes itself with features that we believe makes car sharing easier and more attractive. We had a very good team spirit.
We could immerse ourselves in the problematic of car sharing, which is an increasingly relevant subject especially in the context of raising environmental awareness. Indeed, we found it interesting to wrap our heads around how to make car sharing possibilities more attractive. Also, we could learn new technologies and to verify their efficiency for solving real use cases. In addition, it was a great opportunity to think about design and applying some techniques of design thinking.
Take a good rest first, and then we will see :)
Declare an environment variable containing the bing maps key:
In Windows:
setx BING_MAPS_KEY ...
Or using the UI.
In Linux / Mac
export BING_MAPS_KEY=...
(you can put that in your .profile / .zshrc)
# install dependencies
$ npm ci
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
. .venv/bin/activate
func host start