PySpy is an open-source Discord RAT (Remote Access Tool) that can be controlled via your Discord server. This tool is for educational purposes and personal experimentation only.
This project is intended for educational purposes only. The author is not responsible for any misuse of this software.
- !help - Sends the help embed
- !screenshot - Takes a screenshot
- !type <phrase> - Types the selected phrase
- !screenrecord <length> - Records victums screen for selected time
- !passwords - Returns saved browser passwords
- !exit - Closes the current session and exits the exe
- !message <title> <message> - Shows a message box with the selected arguments
- !discord - Sends Discord account info and token
- !cookies - Sends browser cookies
- !cd <dir/defined> - Sets the current working directory
- !listdir - Lists the contents of the current working directory
- !delete <path> - Deletes the selected file
- !upload <attachment> - Uploads a file to the current directory
- !download <path> - Downloads a file from the selected path (50 MB Limit)
- !wallpaper <attachment> - Sets the wallpaper to a provided photo
- !tts <message> - Speaks the provided message aloud
- !run <path> - Runs a file provided in the path (WIP)
- !shutdown - Shuts down the host computer
- !restart - Restarts the host computer
- !press <keys> - Presses any amount of keys all at once
- !website <url> - Opens the url in the default browser
- !encrypt <path> - Encrypts the selected path with the passsword
- !decrypt <path> - Decrypts the selected path with the passsword
- !clipboard - Returns the clipboard contents
- !webcam - Takes a photo from the main webcam
- !combine - Run multiple commands at once
- Clone the repository
git clone cd PySpy
- Configure
- "token" -> Your Discord bots token
- "app_name" -> Name of the EXE
- "app_logo" -> Path to EXE logo
- "members" -> Mimimum members in a Discord server to be shown by
- "anti-vm" -> Defines if anti-vm should be enabled
- "password" -> Password for encryption and decryption
- Run
and wait - Distribute the EXE located in
If you would like to rebuild the EXE for any reason, run rebuild.bat
then follow the steps above.
- Work on !run
- Fix 50 MB download limit
- Fix when a directory has too many files to send
- Crypto mining (Detection for most profitable coin)
- Stronger persistence
- (Maybe) MBR Override/Edit
You can use !cd normally, but there are also predefined directorys. Just type the predefined directory after !cd. Keep in mind that you can use ".." to go backwards
- home<
- desktop<
- downloads<
- documents<
- pictures<
- music<
- videos<
- temp<
- appdata<
- localappdata<
- programfiles<
- programfilesx86<
- windows<
- systemroot<
- system32<
- commonprogramfiles<
- commonprogramfilesx86<
- startmenu<
- programdata<
- You must have Python 3.12.4
- Minimum of Windows 7