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Lunar Doggo edited this page Jun 5, 2022 · 5 revisions

What is it?

StartOptionAttribute is an attribute you can use to decorate constructor parameters with in order to define a StartOption for your application. This attribute only is useful if you use the command-based approach in combination with a CommandApplication. With this attribute you can only create start options associated with a StartOptionGroup.


[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class StartOptionAttribute : Attribute


public StartOptionAttribute(string longName, string shortName)


Sitnature Description Default
public StartOptionValueType ValueType { get; set; } Gets or sets the type of the StartOption (Switch, Single, Multiple) Switch
public string Description { get; set; } Gets or sets the description of the StartOption String.Empty
public Type ParserType { get; set; } Gets or sets the type of IStartOptionValueParser the StartOption should use null
public bool Mandatory { get; set; } Gets or sets whether this StartOption has to be set or not false
public string ShortName { get; } Gets the short name of the StartOption -
public string LongName { get; } Gets the long name of the StartOption -


public class BasicMockCommand : IApplicationCommand
    private readonly double firstNumber, secondNumber;
    private readonly CalculationOperation operation;
    private readonly bool verbose;

    [StartOptionGroup("calculate", "c", Description = "Executes a calculation")]
    public BasicMockCommand([StartOption("number1", "n1", Description = "First number of the calculation", Mandatory = true, ValueType = StartOptionValueType.Single, ParserType = typeof(DoubleOptionValueParser))]double firstNumber,
                            [StartOption("number2", "n2", Description = "Second number of the calculation", Mandatory = true, ValueType = StartOptionValueType.Single, ParserType = typeof(DoubleOptionValueParser))]double secondNumber,
                            [StartOption("operation", "o", Description = "Operation to execute", Mandatory = true, ValueType = StartOptionValueType.Single, ParserType = typeof(CalculationOperationValueParser))] CalculationOperation operation,
                            [GrouplessStartOptionAttribute("verbose", "vb", Description = "Enable verbose output")]bool verbose)
        this.secondNumber = secondNumber;
        this.firstNumber = firstNumber;
        this.operation = operation;
        this.verbose = verbose;

