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Prometheus exporter for Humio written in Go.


Several pre-compiled binaries are available from the releases page.

A docker image is also available on our registry.

docker run --humio.api-token <api-token> --humio.url <humio-api-url> --config queries.yaml


You need an API Token with access to the repositories you specify in the configuration file. You can find you API Token in the "Your Account" in the top right corner of your Humio installation.

The exporter exposes prometheus metrics on /metrics on port 9534 (can be configured).

To specify which queries you want exported as Prometheus metrics, you have to provide a configuration file, e.g. queries.yaml in the format:

- query: count(status)
  repo: humio
  interval: 30m
  metric_name: humio_status_total

- query: max(status)
  repo: humio
  interval: 30m
  metric_name: humio_status_max

- query: min(status)
  repo: humio
  interval: 30m
  metric_name: humio_status_min

- query: avg(status)
  repo: humio
  interval: 30m
  metric_name: humio_status_avg

- query: counterAsRate(status)
  repo: humio
  interval: 30m
  metric_name: humio_status_rate

- query: range(status)
  repo: humio
  interval: 30m
  metric_name: humio_status_range

- query: stdDev(field=status)
  repo: humio
  interval: 30m
  metric_name: humio_status_stddev

- query: sum(status)
  repo: humio
  interval: 30m
  metric_name: humio_status_sum
  - key: squad
    value: foo

As seen in the last example query, you can also specify a set of static labels to be outputtet along with the metric.

Currently the export supports the above aggregate query functions

humio_exporter --config=CONFIG --humio.url=HUMIO.URL --humio.api-token=API.TOKEN

See all configuration options with the --help flag

$ humio_exporter --help
usage: humio_exporter --config=CONFIG --humio.url=HUMIO.URL --humio.api-token=API.TOKEN [<flags>]

Humio exporter for Prometheus. Provide your Humio API token and configuration file with queries to expose as Prometheus metrics.

  -h, --help                 Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --config=CONFIG        The humio_exporter configuration file to be used
      --humio.url=HUMIO.URL  Humio base API url
      --humio.api-token=API.TOKEN  Humio API token
      --humio.timeout=10     Timeout for requests against the Humio API
                             Address on which to expose metrics.
      --log.level="info"     Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
                             Set the log target and format. Example: "logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7" or
      --version              Show application version.

It is possible to use a file to pass arguments to the exporter. For example:

 echo --humio.api-token=<>\n > args

And run the exporter using:

./humio_exporter @args


The specified queries in the configuration file will be exporter with two labels:

  • repo - the repository that the query was executed against
  • interval - the interval the query result represent.

There is an option to add static labels as well. This can be done as follows:

- query: sum(status)
  repo: humio
  interval: 30m
  metric_name: humio_status_sum
  - key: squad
    value: foo


humio_total{interval="5m", repo="humio"} 3458
humio_audit_total{interval="5m", repo="humio-audit"} 2976
humio_status_sum{interval="30m", repo="humio", squad="foo"} 235


The exporter can be build using the standard Go tool chain if you have it available.

go build

You can build inside a docker image as well. This produces a humio_exporter image that can run with the binary as entry point.

docker build -t humio_exporter .

This is useful if the exporter is to be depoyled in Kubernetes or other dockerized environments.


The project uses Go modules so you need Go version >=1.11 to run it. Run builds and tests with the standard Go tool chain.

go build
go test


To deploy the exporter in Kubernetes, you can find a simple Kubernetes deployment and secret yaml in the examples folder. You have to add your Humio api token in the secrets.yaml and/or the url of you humio deployment deployment.yaml. The examples assumes that you have a namespace in kubernetes named: monitoring.

It further assumes that you have kubernetes service discovery configured for you Prometheus instance and a target that will gather metrics from pods, similar to this:

- job_name: 'kubernetes-pods'
  - role: pod

  - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
    action: keep
    regex: true
  - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
    action: replace
    target_label: __metrics_path__
    regex: (.+)
  - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
    action: replace
    regex: (.+):(?:\d+);(\d+)
    replacement: ${1}:${2}
    target_label: __address__
  - action: labelmap
    regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)

To deploy it to your kubernetes cluster run the following commands:

kubectl create configmap humio-exporter-config --from-file=examples/queries.yaml --namespace=monitoring
kubectl apply -f examples/secrets.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/deployment.yaml

The exporter expose http endpoints that can be used by kubernetes probes:

  • /healthz - used for liveness probe, always returns healthy, status code 200.
  • /ready - used for readiness probe, return true and status code 200 after the first scrape completed. Otherwise, it returns false, with status code 503.