A script that generates a valid MOSS (Mini-One-Stop-Shop) report from a Collmex record export file.
This script comes with no warranties whatsoever (see licence). It only works with a certain input file format (files exported from the Collmex accounting software) and exports to the format required by the German Bundeszentralamt für Steuern for filing MOSS tax declarations.
To run the script, you need to have a working installation of PHP 8 and Composer or you can use the Docker Compose file that comes with the project.
Also, in Collmex, you need to use the accounting system they recommend for MOSS-transactions. You can find more details
on this (in German)
here: Ausländische Erlösarten. The account
numbers, country codes, tax rates and validity dates of the tax rates are stored in the tab-separated file
. Modify this file to adjust it your accounting scheme.
Install the dependencies first:
composer install
Then run the script like so:
php report.php -f input.csv
refers to a file as exported from Collmex.
Optional parameters are:
-q Specify the fiscal quarter for which to generate the report.
Defaults to empty (generate report for all input data).
-o Output file name. Defaults to report.csv in the script folder.