PhxQueue is a high-availability, high-throughput and highly reliable distributed queue based on the Paxos protocol. It guarantees At-Least-Once Delivery. It is widely used in WeChat for WeChat Pay, WeChat Media Platform, and many other important businesses.
Authors: Junjie Liang, Tao He, Haochuan Cui, Qing Huang and Jiatao Xu
Contact us:
Guaranteed delivery with strict real-time reconciliation
Server-side batch enqueue
Strictly ordered dequeue
Multiple subscribers
Dequeue speed limits
Dequeue replays
Consumer load balancing
All modules are scalable
Multi-region deployment for Store or Lock nodes
git clone
cd phxqueue/
Now that all modules are built, you can continue to quickstart.
Download the phxqueue.tar.gz and un-tar it to $PHXQUEUE_DIR
Prepare the
diectory for dependency installation:export $DEP_PREFIX='/your/directory/for/dependency'
Protocol Buffers and glog
Build Protocol Buffers and glog with
./configure CXXFLAGS=-fPIC --prefix=$DEP_PREFIX
. Then create symlinks:rm -r $PHXQUEUE_DIR/third_party/protobuf/ rm -r $PHXQUEUE_DIR/third_party/glog/ ln -s $DEP_PREFIX $PHXQUEUE_DIR/third_party/protobuf ln -s $DEP_PREFIX $PHXQUEUE_DIR/third_party/glog
Build LevelDB in
andln -s out-static lib
. -
PhxPaxos and PhxRPC
Build PhxPaxos in
. Build PhxRPC in$PHXQUEUE_DIR/third_party/phxrpc/
. -
Git clone libco to
PhxQueue is structured like this:
phxqueue/ ................. The PhxQueue root directory
├── bin/ .................. Generated binary files
├── etc/ .................. Example configuration files
├── lib/ .................. Generated library files
├── phxqueue/ ............. PhxQueue source files
├── phxqueue_phxrpc/ ...... PhxQueue with PhxRPC implementation
└── ...
the output files are located in bin/
and lib/
, while the sample configure files are located in etc/
The built PhxQueue is ready to run simple demos.
PhxQueue accesses multiple files at the same time.
Make sure to set high enough (> 4000) open file limit with ulimit -Sn
or ulimit -n
Start 3 Store nodes (add -d
if run as daemon) as shown bellow:
bin/store_main -c etc/store_server.0.conf
bin/store_main -c etc/store_server.1.conf
bin/store_main -c etc/store_server.2.conf
You can follow the status of the nodes and check for any errors in these log files as shown bellow:
ps -ef | grep store_main
tail -f log/store.0/store_main.INFO
tail -f log/store.1/store_main.INFO
tail -f log/store.2/store_main.INFO
NOTICE: To run properly, at least 2 Store nodes need to be started, otherwise error log will occur below:
MASTERSTAT: ERR: Propose err. paxos_ret 404 ...
Start 3 Consumer nodes:
bin/consumer_main -c etc/consumer_server.0.conf
bin/consumer_main -c etc/consumer_server.1.conf
bin/consumer_main -c etc/consumer_server.2.conf
You can follow the status of the nodes and check for any errors in these log files as shown bellow:
ps -ef | grep consumer_main
tail -f log/consumer.0/consumer_main.INFO
tail -f log/consumer.1/consumer_main.INFO
tail -f log/consumer.2/consumer_main.INFO
Now that both Store and Consumer nodes have been deployed, you can use the benchmark tool to send some test requests:
You will get the output from test Producer:
produce echo succeeded!
Now let's see the output of Consumer (only 1 of 3 Consumer nodes):
consume echo succeeed! ...
bin/producer_benchmark_main 10 5 5 10
Watch the Consumer log files:
tail -f log/consumer.0/consumer_main.INFO
tail -f log/consumer.1/consumer_main.INFO
tail -f log/consumer.2/consumer_main.INFO
This is an example of the output you can expect from the Consumer log:
INFO: Dequeue ret 0 topic 1000 sub_id 1 store_id 1 queue_id 44 size 1 prev_cursor_id 9106 next_cursor_id 9109
While testing PhxQueue, a lot of logs and data is generated. Run log/
to clear logs and data/
to delete data.
Make sure that you are running these commands against PhxQueue that does not hold any important data.
Commands listed here will result in permanent data loss.
Normally, each node should be deployed on separate machine. You need to configure etc/*.conf
configuration files for each node.
Files located in directory etc/
globalconfig.conf .................Global config
topicconfig.conf ................. Topic config
storeconfig.conf ................. Store config
consumerconfig.conf ...............Consumer config
schedulerconfig.conf ..............Scheduler config
lockconfig.conf ...................Lock config
Deloy and modify these files on all target machines.
Store is the storage module for queues, using the Paxos protocol for replica synchronization.
Deploy these configs to 3 Store nodes and start each node:
bin/store_main -c etc/store_server.0.conf -d
bin/store_main -c etc/store_server.1.conf -d
bin/store_main -c etc/store_server.2.conf -d
Consumer pulls and consumes data from Store.
Deploy these configs to 3 Consumer nodes and start each node:
bin/consumer_main -c etc/consumer_server.0.conf -d
bin/consumer_main -c etc/consumer_server.1.conf -d
bin/consumer_main -c etc/consumer_server.2.conf -d
Lock is a distributed lock module. You can deploy Lock independently, providing a common distributed lock service.
Set skip_lock = 1
in topicconfig.conf
to disable distributed Lock.
Deploy these configs to 3 Lock nodes and start each node:
bin/lock_main -c etc/lock_server.0.conf -d
bin/lock_main -c etc/lock_server.1.conf -d
bin/lock_main -c etc/lock_server.2.conf -d
Scheduler gathers global load information from Consumer for disaster recovery and load balancing. If no Scheduler is deployed, Consumer will be assigned according to weight configured.
If you want to deploy Scheduler, you will need to deploy Lock first.
Set use_dynamic_scale = 0
in topicconfig.conf
to disable Scheduler.
Deploy these configs to 3 Scheduler nodes and start each node:
bin/scheduler_main -c etc/scheduler_server.0.conf -d
bin/scheduler_main -c etc/scheduler_server.1.conf -d
bin/scheduler_main -c etc/scheduler_server.2.conf -d
For each node, there is a log file where you can trace current node status and errors. For example, you can access log file for Store node with ID 0 like shown bellow:
tail -f log/store.0/store_main.INFO
Please follow Google C++ Style Guide in PRs.