chkcrontab is a script to check crontab files like those in
and /etc/crontab
. It tries to catch glaring
errors and warn on suspect lines in a crontab file. Some valid
lines will generate warnings. Certain silly yet valid crontab lines
will generate errors as well.
Run this by doing:
chkcrontab crontab_file
Errors will cause a non-zero exit code. Warnings alone will not.
To see sample output for a bad crontab, run the following:
./chkcrontab ./tests/test_crontab
See the ./tests/test_crontab.disable
crontab for how to disable
warnings and errors.
The output of chkcrontab
is described on the CheckCrontab
wiki page. A link to it appears in the output if there were any
warnings or errors. It also suggests ways to fix the reported
Contributions are welcome! Please add unit tests for new features
or bug fixes. To run all the unit tests run ./setup test
If you have tox installed, just run tox
You can review coverage of added tests by running
coverage run test
and then running
coverage report -m
Note that tests are run on Travis for all supported python versions whenever the tree on github is pushed to.
The packaged version is available via pip
or easy_install
as chkcrontab
. The project page is on pypi:
The source code is available in the following locations:
- Gitlab:
- Github:
- Bitbucket:
- Sourceforge:
Pull requests on any of those platforms or emailed patches are fine. Opening issues on gitlab or github is easiest, but I'll check any of them.
For rpm distributions, ./ bdist --formats=rpm
should make an
rpm but currently dies due to not finding the chkcrontab.1 man page.
For Debian distributions there's an additional tool that might work.
- Look for duplicate entries. Puppet sometimes loads up crontabs with dups.
- Check for backticks. (why?)
- Make sure MAILTO and PATH are set (perhaps others?).
- Add tests for command line.
- Enable it to parse user crontabs: #12
- Make "acceptable filenames" a configurable thing: #4
- Packaging: #13
- Kevin Lyda: Who got burned one too many times by broken crontabs.