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A social website written with MEAN/Cassandra/HBase/Redis


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NoAWS — Not Only A WebSite

An Angular App. Used AWS, EMR, HBase, mongodb, redis, cassandra, docker to developed a website with posting/#/authentication/relationship analysis function.

Getting Started

Clone the social-website repository using git:

git clone
cd social-website

Install Dependencies

Development is based on angular-seed. It has preconfigured npm to automatically run bower so we can simply do:

npm install

Please choose the angular version match angular-sanitize

We also use virtualenv to manage the python dependencies

cd util
virtualenv env
pip install --upgrade -r requirement.txt
source env/bin/activate

Sample Data Ingestion

- mongodb

  1. Go to AWS -> EC2 -> Launch instance -> Amazon Linux Image -> start a t2.micro instance -> keep default for instance and storage detail -> Add a meaningful tag -> Create a new security group/Use the old one (you must select Type:All traffic/Protocol: All/Port Range:0-65535/Source:Anywhere) -> launch -> select existing key(you must download it first)

  2. ssh -i [key.pem] ec2-user@[DNS/IP]

  3. Install:

sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.4.repo -> open an editor

copy the following into the editor: [mongodb-org-3.4] name=MongoDB Repository baseurl= gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 gpgkey=

PRESS esc -> INPUT :wq -> ENTER(quit the editor)

sudo yum install -y mongodb-org

vim /etc/mongod.conf

comment the bind ip configuration

sudo service mongod start

  1. create database and table: use gallery db.products.insertMany([ { name: 'Introduction to Computer Science', price: 19, pubdate: new Date("2016-05-18"), cover: '', likes: 0, dislikes: 0 }, { name: 'Introduction to Data Science', price: 8, pubdate: new Date("2013-08-01"), cover: '', likes: 0, dislikes: 0 }, { name: 'Introduction to Big Data', price: 20, pubdate: new Date("2016-10-16"), cover: '', likes: 0, dislikes: 0 }, { name: 'Introduction to Bit', price: 4, pubdate: new Date("2015-01-01"), cover: '', likes: 0, dislikes: 0 } ])

- cassandra:

- create cassandra container

docker run -d -p 7199:7199 -p 9042:9042 -p 9160:9160 -p 7001:7001 --name cassandra cassandra:3.9

//cassandra create table CREATE KEYSPACE timeline WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} AND durable_writes = true;

CREATE TABLE timeline.timeline_data1 ( article_title text, post_time timestamp, content text, embed_image_link text, external_link text, PRIMARY KEY (article_title, post_time) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (post_time DESC)

insert into timeline_data1 (article_title, post_time, content, embed_image_link, external_link) values ('Third heading', '2015-05-03 14:30:54.234', 'Hello World!', '', '')

insert into timeline_data1 (article_title, post_time, content, embed_image_link, external_link) values ('Second heading', '2015-05-02 13:30:54.234', 'Hello Bit!', '', '')

insert into timeline_data1 (article_title, post_time, content, embed_image_link, external_link) values ('Second heading', '2015-05-02 12:30:54.234', 'Hello Eason!', '', '')

- redis:

docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis

- hbase:

create EMR ssh -i [key.pem] ec2-user@[MASTER IP/DNS]

sudo su - hdfs

hbase shell

create 'relationship','n', 'l'

scan 'relationship' --> see nothing

update [MASTER IP/DNS] in ''

run python to load in data

scan 'relationship' --> see data

Update Config For Backend

Go to backend folder of the project, and export config directory

cd backend
export ENV_CONFIG_FILE=`pwd`/config/dev.cfg

Ready - Go!

Go to backend folder of the project

cd backend

Open another terminal and start frontend

cd social-website
node node-server.js


A social website written with MEAN/Cassandra/HBase/Redis







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