___ __ __ ___ __ __ _ ___
| \| \/ |_ _| | \/ | | / __|_ _ ___ _ _ _ __ Lucas Brito, Rob
| |) | |\/| || | | |\/| | |__ | (_ | '_/ _ \ || | '_ \ Scheidegger, Nadav
|___/|_| |_|___| |_| |_|____| \___|_| \___/\_,_| .__/ Druker, Zach Rosen-
|_| feld, Summer 2021.
To keep things from getting out of hand, here is a brief description of how the folder structure should work:
directly contains all executable python files, and any files with shared/extensible functions should be placed insrc/api
contains all small data files that are required for folder/project management, andoutputs
should be all of the outputs of the slurm scripts (.out
files), and is gitignored.files
is for large data files such as training data and models, and is also gitignored.
To run a script:
sbatch [OPTIONS] run_script.sh SCRIPT
For example:
sbatch -n 8 -t 00:10:00 --mem=16G --output=output.out run_script.sh script.py
will use 16GB of memory and eight cores and output the file under output.out in 10 minutes or less (or else terminate the job).
Most scripts have default run .sh files which have the proper settings (e.g., walltime, number of cores). To run these
Common options:
-n : number of tasks (= number of cores if -c not specified)
-c : number of cores per task
-t : runtime in HH:MM:SS
--mem : memory per node
-o : output filename
--mail-type : events for which email notifications will be sent: BEGIN,
--mail-user : mail ID where you will be notified
IMPORTANT: SLURM outputs are not accessible to other users by default. Use
chmod ugo+rwx FILENAME
to make sure other group members can read and write this file. In the case of a directory, run
chmod -R ugo+rwx DIRNAME
On Oscar, the python environment with all of the project dependencies is located in ~/data/dmi/dmi/ (it is virtual env in the dmi directory). To activate this environment:
source ~/data/dmi/dmi/bin/activate
To install packages: make sure you load the proper Python module before you use pip install. First load 3.7.4:
module load python/3.7.4
Then activate the environment
source ~/data/dmi/dmi/bin/activate
Then use pip as you would normally:
pip install PACKAGE
To remove any outputs under the default slurm-******.out
filename, run
This readme written by Lucas and since edited by Rob, last updated September 13th, 2021.