A production-grade ORM library that makes accessing HBase clean, fast and fun. Used in Flipkart and other companies. This has also been used as a Bigtable ORM in production setups.
A blazingly-fast simple-to-use tool to find duplicate files (photos, videos, music, documents etc.) on your computer, portable hard drives etc. This tool featured on Hacker News front page in Aug 2021. ↗
Tool to detect file renames, movements and timestamp changes and propagate them before rsync
command for source code files.
A production-grade container-based workflow engine to enable Analytics and Data Science on Big data, with support for multiple languages, runtimes and hardware specs. At Flipkart, this platform serves / has served variety of models (Demand prediction, Supply Planning using Integer Linear Optimization, # etc.). Built on Apache Mesos.
A light-weight library that helps auto-binding of resources and other classes in writing web services using Dropwizard framework.
A production-grade fork of the popular 'javatuples' library (a typesafe representation of tuples in Java) with many improvements, fixes and higher test coverage.
Financial tools (India specific): EMI Calculator and Loan Limit Calculator. Most of this tool was written in 2007 (with minor hosting related changes every few years) - but is still relevant.
A crude script to setup and use your own OpenVPN server. Get complete privacy at ⅓rd of the cost of a commercial VPN. For nerds only.