Author: Marcin Szymczak
Rust game experiment. Client <-> Server architecture
This is my hobby side-project which enables me to learn Rust in a fun way.
A basic client <-> server game with no features at all. Allows for manipulating "player" with simple controls:
- W, S, A, D move Up, Down, Left, Right
- H "holster" weapon (There is no weapon support right now, it is fictional)
- C change shirt color (It is synchronized, yay! :) )
cargo run --bin zed-server -- address:port
Starts game server on provided address:port.
cargo run --bin zed-client -- server_address:port [local_address:port]
Start a client and attempts to connect o server of server_address:port
by binding a local
UDP socket to a local_address:port
If local address is not provided, a random one is chosen by the system.