forked from hkoffer
Latest revision: 20180626
- Code refactoring (pretty much everything)
- UX revamped
- Display the min value
- Display FPS
- Autoscaling temperature
- Move the spot value (in float) to the center
- Pin point the min and max pixel (min colored in blue and max in white)
- Auto reboot and reset the i2c port in case of bad connexion
- Pause state
- Autosleep function
Please change the settings in the file M5Stack/M5Stack.ino if something is wrong (especially the orientation).
Setting | Default | |
1 | Set the orientation of the screen Some batch of M5Stack need it 1 while some other need 0 |
255 | Brightness level from 0 to 255 |
5 | Time in minutes before auto turn off |
22 | Minimal temperature scale at boot |
32 | Maximal temperature scale at boot |
If no buttons is used after the set period (5mins by default) the unit will power off automatically.
Mode | Button | Function |
MODE | B | Autoscaling (take current min/max) |
C | Pause the screen | |
SMIN | B | Reduce the minimal temp of the scale |
C | Increase the minimal temp of the scale | |
SMAX | B | Reduce the maximal temp of the scale |
C | Increase the maximal temp of the scale | |
POINT | B | Activate/Deactivate the pinpoint of the minimal reading |
C | Activate/Deactivate the pinpoint of the maximal reading |
When in frozen state:
Button | Function |
A | Turn OFF the camera (Also turn back ON) |
B | Nothing |
C | Unfreeze the camera |
- Save to SD (maybe save the buffer as bmp then display it and let the choice to save when on frozen state)
- Add sensor reading as overlay with low alpha over a real camera feed (need to compensate the angle)
- Web interface (yes, it's useless but I like remote control of crap)
- API REST of the raw values (because why not)
20180626 : Init.
(outdated picture but you get an idea of what it does)
This is a library for the Adafruit AMG88xx based thermal cameras: Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit! Written by Dean Miller for Adafruit Industries. MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution