Python implementation of Adaptive Weights Clustering algorithm.
AWC is a novel non-parametric clustering technique based on adaptive weights. Weights are recovered using an iterative procedure based on statistical test of "no gap". Method does not require specifying number of clusters. It applies equally well to clusters of convex structure and different density. The procedure is numerically feasible and applicable for large high dimensional datasets. The paper with detailed description of the algorithm is available on arXiv: Adaptive Nonparametric Clustering.
Build the latest development version from source:
git clone
cd awc
python install
python 2.7
AWC class provides the API for performing clustering.
AWC_object = AWC(n_neigh=-1, effective_dim=-1, n_outliers=0, discrete=False, speed=1.5)
n_neigh : int, optional, default: -1
The number of closest neighbors to be connected on the initialization step.
If not specified, n_neigh = max(6, min(2 * effective_dim + 2, 0.1 * n_samples))
effective_dim : int, optional, default: -1
Effective dimension of data X.
If not specified, effective_dim = true dimension of the data,
in case the true dimension is less than 7, otherwise 2.
n_outliers : int, optional, default: 0
Minimum number of points each cluster must contain.
Points from clusters with smaller size will be connected to the closest cluster.
discrete : boolean, optional, default: False
Specifies if data X consists of only discrete values.
speed : int, optional, default: 1.5
Controls the number of iterations.
Increase of the speed parameter decreases the number of steps.
AWC_object.awc(l, X, dmatrix=None)
l : int
The lambda parameter.
X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features), optional, default: None
Input data.
awc works with distance matrix.
User must specify X or dmatrix.
From X Euclidean distance matrix is computed and passed to awc.
No need to specify X, if dmatrix is specified.
dmatrix : array, shape (n_samples, n_n_samples), optional, default: None
Distance matrix.
Cluster structure found by AWC
clusters = AWC_object.get_clusters()
Cluster labels
labels = AWC_object.get_labels()
To tune the parameter \lambda, plot sum of the weights for \lambda 's from some interval and take a value at the end of plateau or before a huge jump.
AWC_object.plot_sum_of_weights(lambda_interval, X=None, dmatrix=None)
lambda_interval : list
Lambda parameters for which sum of weights will be computed.
X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features), optional, default: None
Input data.
No need to specify X, if dmatrix is specified.
dmatrix : array, shape (n_samples, n_n_samples), optional, default: None
Distance matrix. If not specified, the Euclidean distance matrix is used from X.
See for an example running awc on iris dataset.