The time has come for me to make another plugin, and here it is!
Moar Humanity is my dump for everything human related that involves original creation (read, not ship splices). Some of this new content is actually somewhat realistic, but a lot of it, especially the setup with Marauding Max, is completely illogical and designed for comic relief rather than sanity.
Currently, Moar Humanity is in an alpha state. It is public, but it will undoubtedly be buggy and unfinished. Endless Sky's continuous releases may eat your kitten, this probably will. Use with caution, report any bugs you find, and bug me to update this whenever you want more fanatical space pirates.
- Some extra, realistic jobs in human space.
- Marauding Max Shipyards, your one-stop source for all Marauder ships. Combat Drones available upon request.