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Interactive Sankey Charts for MoneyMoney

build status

This is an extension for the great MoneyMoney app to export an interactive HTML Sankey Chart from the transaction categories.

Sankey Sample Chart


  • Hide categories by click
  • Add configurable budgets per each category
  • Add threshold value for chart paths


This MoneyMoney extension can be installed as follows:

  1. Download the file SankeyChart.lua from the latest release
  2. In the MoneyMoney app open menu Help → Show database in Finder and copy the downloaded file into the sub-folder Extensions/.

Usage 💡

The Sankey Chart can be generated by selecting or filtering the appropriate transactions or accounts in MoneyMoney and choose menu Account → Export Transactions.
Afterwards select "Sankey-Chart (.html)" as the export format and open the generated file in your browser of choice.

For more information see also my blog post.


Everything runs in your browser, no internet connection is required.
The generated HTML file enforces a very strict Content-Security-Policy and does not allow to load any external scripts or resources.

Developing ⚒️

make && make test

The compiled MoneyMoney extension can then be found in dist/SankeyChart.lua and installed with make install.


  • Tested with MoneyMoney 2.4.x
  • Modern browser is required

Known Limitations 🚧

  • Only 1 currency is supported (the currency of the account is taken, other currencies are ignored)
  • The report is available in German language only


In case you are experiencing any issues please try to reproduce it with an MoneyMoney offline account and provide the exported (anonymized) HTML file.
At least open the Developer Tools of your browser and provide the complete output of the console into the ticket description.


This repository is published under the MIT license.
This repository uses the great Highchart library, please obtain a valid license on their website.