This package offers functions to visualize and/or modify brms models. It’s a collection of functions that I have been accumulating as I have been trying to customize the output of brms models. So far the package has functions for:
- Running multiple comparisons (e.g. contrasts) between levels of a categorical variable
- Plotting posterior distributions, trace plots and diagnostics plots in a Rmarkdown friendly format
- Running models on a population of phylogenetic trees to account for phylogenetic uncertainty
- Combining a bunch of models saved as RDS files
To install the latest developmental version from github you will need the R package remotes (although it may not install at all):
# From github
# load package
The package documentation can be found here.
Please cite brmsish as follows:
Araya-Salas (2022), brmsish: Miscellaneous functions to customize brms bayesian regression models. R package version 1.0.0.
Buerkner, P. C. (2017). brms: An R package for Bayesian multilevel models using Stan. Journal of statistical software, 80, 1-28.
Buerkner, P. C. (2017). Advanced Bayesian multilevel modeling with the R package brms. arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.11123.
Nalborczyk, L., Batailler, C., Lœvenbruck, H., Vilain, A., & Buerkner, P. C. (2019). An introduction to Bayesian multilevel models using brms: A case study of gender effects on vowel variability in standard Indonesian. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(5), 1225-1242.