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A haproxy load balancerusing sticky sessions and optional let's encrypt ssl certificates via http-01 protocol.

Usually a load balancer has no state information for matching client's request with backend servers, the state information in the backends is stored in a shared storage as a dababase server. With this recommended approach session information is being sent to a backend or other with no particular problems.

When the backend servers are replicated but do not have all the client state information in the shared storage the previous approach will not work as expected and the user will receive responses indicated a non initated session from some of the backends.

In the case of not having the option of redesign the architecture of backends server with this proposed condfiguration the load balancer sends a backend-match cookie for being received in the next requests and used to send the requests to the same backend server.

In case you need it you might generate SSL certificates via Let's Encrypt and certbot package.

  client1    client2 client3    client4  client5  client6 
   ____      ____     ____      ____      ____     ____   
  |  @ |    |  ^ |   | @  |    |  ~ |    |  ^ |   |  ~ |  
  |____|    |____|   |____|    |____|    |____|   |____|  
  /::::/    /::::/   /::::/    /::::/    /::::/   /::::/  
      \         |      |          |         |       /
       \        |      |          |         |      /
        \       |      |          |         |     /
         \      |      |          |         |    /
          v     v      v          v         v   v
       |                                            |
       |           load balancer                    |
                            / | \
                           /  |  \
                          /   |   \
                         /    |    \
                        /     |     \
                       /      |      \
                      /       |       \
                     /        |        \
                    v         v         v
                backend1  backend2  backend3
                 ______    ______    ______ 
                [.....°]  [.....°]  [.....°]
                [.....°]  [.....°]  [.....°]
                [|||||°]  [|||||°]  [|||||°]
                [|||||°]  [|||||°]  [|||||°]
                [_____°]  [_____°]  [_____°]
                [__@__°]  [__^__°]  [__~__°]
                [_____°]  [_____°]  [_____°]


Currently this role is developed for 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa).

This role has been developed and tested with ansible 2.10.7

Role Variables

  • frontendshttp: Array of dicts indicating each frontend on which the system will be listening. Valid keys:

    • address: address to be used for bind keyword. Default: '*'.
    • port: port for bind directive. Default: 80.
    • maxconn: maconnvalue. Default: '4000'.
  • fronthttps: Array of dicts indicating each https frontend on which the system will be listening. Valid keys:

    • address: address to be used for bind keyword. Default: '*'.
    • port: port for bind directive. Default: 80.
    • maxconn: maconnvalue. Default: '4000'.
    • crtdir: CRT certificate file directory path. Default: /etc/haproxy
    • crtfile: CRT certificate filename. Default: testcert.crt.
  • certbot: Dictionary with information for certbot. In case of not being necessary set to no. Valid Keys:

    • domain: Domain to certify. Required.
    • http01_port: Port for http listeing (haproxy is going to proxy the challenge). Default: 8888.
    • testcert: Define if this is a test certificate. Default: no.
  • backend: Dictionary containing the backends servers info. The required keys are:

    • name: name for te backend. Since this system uses just a backend (composed of many servers) this name will be refered as default backend.
    • cookie: dictionary with information about the cookie. The valid keys are:
      • name: Name used for the cookie. Default: {{ ansible_fqdn }}_ha.
      • maxidle: lifetime of the session when the user is inactive. As the cookie has the information for the associated server backend. If the user is active in this time window the datetime of expiry is renewed. Default: 100m.
    • default_server_settings: array of dicts with the default settings for servers. Each dict has just one key-value pair. This information will be added to the setting default-server as key value.If you want to disable set this var to no. Default values are:
      • { 'inter': '3s' }
      • { 'fastinter': '1s' }
      • { 'downinter': '10s' }
      • { 'fall': '3' }
      • { 'rise': '2' }
    • servers: Dictionary with each backend server. Each dictionary key is the server name. From now name.
      • address: address to the server name. Example: or Default is {{ name }}.
      • port: Port to the server. Default: 80.
      • weight: Weight directive for load balancing. Default: 1.
      • cookie: value used for the cookie in order to match the client with the apropiate backend server. This name will be inserted in the session cookie and will be visible for the web browser. Defaut values is going to be the first match for:
        • sha1sum for {{ name }}-{{ address }}.
        • sha1sum for {{ name }}-{{ name }}.
      • maxconn: maxconn value for the server. Optional.
  • stats: array of dictionaries containing the information about the stats section for being accessed via web. Optional. Valid keys in dictionary are:

    • address: address to listen. The default value is
    • port: Port on which listen the admin web interface. Default value is 9000.
    • uri: uri on which the admin interface will be listenint. Default value is '/haproxy?stats'.
    • realm: Text to give for the Basic Auth dialog. DEfault value: 'Auth\ Access'.
    • auth: Array of dicts for the users and password valid for accessing this admin interface. The only two possible valid keys are user and pass. The default value is: [ { 'user': 'fobar', 'pass': 'foopass'}, ].
    • admin: boolean indicating if the stats interfaces has admin level. Default: no.


This role uses setup module for getting ansible facts about Distro version and release since is expected to do portings to others targets.

Example Playbook

#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
# usually be invoqued
# ansible-playbook -i host:port, -u root haproxy-load-balancer.yml  -e @file_vars.yml

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  become: yes

  - include_role:
      name: haproxy-sticky-load-balancer
      - address: '*'
        port: 80
        maxconn: 4000
      name: sys-backends
        name: bknsrv
        maxidle: 5m
        - inter: 3s
        - fastinter: 1s
        - downinter: 10s
        - fall: 3
        - rise: 2
          port: 80
          weight: 1
          maxconn: 512
          cookie: peer1
          cookie: peer2
    stats: [{}] # default values will be used.



Author Information

for -vvv info:

Matías Pecchia

and many others social networks.


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