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Add font size up/down support and allow anchor links for What's New page #914

Add font size up/down support and allow anchor links for What's New page

Add font size up/down support and allow anchor links for What's New page #914

Workflow file for this run

name: MacVim GitHub CI
# Main CI workflow for MacVim. Will build and test MacVim on different platforms.
# Cancels all previous workflow runs for pull requests that have not completed.
# The concurrency group contains the workflow name and the branch name for
# pull requests or the commit hash for any other events.
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.head_ref || github.sha }}
cancel-in-progress: true
# Builds and test MacVim
fail-fast: false
# Self-hosted runner with old enough software (Xcode 14.0.1) to be
# able to make legacy builds. We only run this when making a full
# release build.
- os: macos-13-xcode14-self-hosted
publish: true
publish_postfix: '_10.9'
skip: ${{ ! startswith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/release') }}
legacy: true
- os: macos-13
xcode: '15.2'
testgui: true
extra: [vimtags, check-xcodeproj-compat]
# Below runners use Apple Silicon.
- os: macos-14
xcode: '15.4'
testgui: false
# Most up to date OS and Xcode. Used to publish release for the main build.
- os: macos-15
xcode: '16.2'
testgui: true
publish: true
optimized: true
uses: ./.github/workflows/macvim-buildtest.yaml
skip: ${{ matrix.skip && true || false }}
os: ${{ matrix.os }}
legacy: ${{ matrix.legacy && true || false }}
xcode: ${{ matrix.xcode }}
publish: ${{ matrix.publish && true || false }}
publish_postfix: ${{ matrix.publish_postfix }}
optimized: ${{ matrix.optimized && true || false }}
vimtags: ${{ contains(matrix.extra, 'vimtags') }}
check-xcodeproj-compat: ${{ contains(matrix.extra, 'check-xcodeproj-compat') }}