- gitlab - GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager providing wiki, issue-tracking and CI/CD pipeline[7] features, using an open-source license, developed by GitLab Inc
- fastlane - bunch of tools for handling all tedious tasks, like generating screenshots, dealing with code signing, and releasing your application.
- Computer (Macintosh)
- Mac OS >= Darwin Kernel Version 18.5.0 ( MacOS catalina )
- ruby >= 3.6.5
- rbenv
- fastlane (could be updated to last version by user)
- XCode
- Apple ID (for both Developer Portal and iTunes connect)
- gitlab-runner
Full description is available in our blog
- APPLE_ID - your apple id
- APP_ID - your application id
- FASTLANE_PASSWORD - password for your apple id
- KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD - password for your mac user
- MATCH_PASSWORD - passphrase to decrypt your profiles
- MATCH_URL - git url where your certificates are stored
- TEAM_ID - your team id
- XCODE_PROJ - path to your *.xcodeproj file
- XCWORKSPACE - path to your *.xcworkspace
- APP_NAME - your application name. for example "Staging"
- APP_ID_NAME - your application id name. for example "your.cool.app.com"
- PLIST_PATH - path to plist file.
- GSP_PATH - path to plist file for google.
- CONFIG - release|debug
- [*] Speed up upload to testflight
- [*] Add comments
- Speed up build process