experimenting with fastapi
create a .env
file in the main directory
you will need to add:
SECRET_IDENTITY='<secret stuff>'
I literally used it to show you can hide whatever you like in there.
Make sure you have docker desktop up and running.
$ docker compose up --build
then click the linked location that fets shown in the terminal.
Create a virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv .venv
source the virtual environment:
$ . ./.venv/bin/activate
install the requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
That should be enough to get it all working
You can run it without docker using:
$ uvicorn main:app --reload
The 'reload' flag is only needed if you want it to load changes as you make it.
To update/add packages to the project with pip, make sure you add the new files to requirements.txt
not doing this could mean it works on your computer but not anywhere else. Docker also uses the requirements.txt
file so not adding it could break docker later also.
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
- docker environment working
- env working
- jinja templates rendering correctly
- TODO - parse details on to page
- TODO - add a search feature